Dont shoot the messenger (even tho i am the person telling me, the messenger) I’ve never seen Titanic the entire way through all ever. I’ve seen it in bits but never in one sitting all the way through. Never never ever. Its not been a film thats ever bothered me. So tonight knowing its on sky cinema, that i dont have to pay for it, that im not tired so wont go to sleep, i have 3 hours spare, & noone else is in the house i am going to watch Titanic in one sitting. I know ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Lets do this people.
Popcorn Synopsis People.
Titanic sank back in 1912 (spolier to start with) & a research team are looking for a rare diamond which they believe was on the boat at the time called the heart of the ocean. Upon finding a safe with no diamond in it they discover a drawing of said necklace on a young woman. Turns out Rose, the lady in the drawing, is still alive & is invited onto the research boat to see if she remembers what happened to the diamond. We meet a young Rose her mother & fiancé Cal boarding the boat. Also just about boarding the boat is Jack Dawson who has won his ticket at the last minute to get onto the ship. Rose becomes dissolutions with her life & tries to commit suicide only for Jack to convince her otherwise & he saves her. After a miscommunication on Cals behalf Jack is eventually invited up to the upper class to say Thankyou. Jack & Rose eventually escape the dinner & head to third class to a party, where people are spying on Rose. She is then forbidden to ever see Jack again which upsets them both. Eventually they reconcile & Jack draws Rose in just the necklace before escaping the other first class people & have sex in the ships bowles in a car. They end up on the top deck after running away from more people, where Rose says when she leaves the boat she will do so with Jack. & then the boat hits the iceberg. 5 compartments flood instead of the 4 that it can stay afloat with. Rose & Jack work this out & go to warn everyone, but Jack is then framed by Cal for stealing the necklace & is attested & left handcuffed at the bottom of the ship as it starts to sink. Rose realises everyone has framed Jack & goes to set him free. After doing this with not much help from anyone, they get to the boats & Cal promises he has safe passage for him & Jack if Rose leaves now, with Cal then telling Jack that he is a good liar. Rose leaps back onto the boat to be with Jack & an angered Cal tries to kill them but fails. Cal eventually gets on a boat after taking a small child pretending she’s his. Jack & Rose end up on the very top of the ship as it sinks & end up being the last two people on the boat. Jack puts rose on a door on the ship & tells her help is coming & to never let go. Jack dies of hypothermia just as the boats come back to save people from the ocean. Rose is saved & gives her name as Rose Dawson to the new ship she is put on. The people in charge of the restoration & hunt for the diamond are inspired by her story & decide not to look for the diamond anymore. It turns out that the coat Cal gave Rose on the boat had the diamond in & Rose, now the old lady, still has said diamond, Which she drops back into the sea, where it belongs. At the end of the film in Roses sleep or as shes passes into the afterlife, returns to her younger self to meet jack under the clock on the grand stairs of the ship, to share one last kiss, while everyone that died upon the ship celebrates.
Omg that synopsis took forever almost as long as the bloody film.
I cried. When she jumps back on the boat after looking back at JAck realising its a trick & he runs after him & then she says you jump i jump right, references when she almost killed herself earlier on in the film. ITs beautiful & is just so awwwwww & it really does make you think. There would of been people in that situation on the boat for sure where the wife lives & the husband on the boat dies & its really a gut punch that even in death love conquers all.
This film is about a sinking ship right. Its over 3 hours long. From hitting the Iceberg to Rose & Jack going under takes just 50minutes. 50 MINUTES! of a 3 hour 15 minute film. It was just like the sinking of the ship was coincidental to the love story they just happened to be set on the Titanic.
Lets be honest who hasnt run up to the end of a boat when they have been on it after this film & stood arms aloft & either screamed IM KING OF THE WORLD!!!!!!! or im flying. Thats just so iconic.
I love all the foreshadowing too, about oh this isnt going to sink or i can small ice or about the boats or things being able to float. We know its sinking its already under the see at the start of the film. Stop referencing it like that. We are already in on this, dont joke about with it.
The band playing & the pictures that go with it when they do their last song is inspiring. Welldone whoever decided to do that in that way & edit it so well. That is some stunning cinema it really is. The is proper doing your duty to the end. Much like the vicar in the bit before.
They could of both fitted on that door or taken it in turns sorry they could have. Jack could of survived & DiCaprio could have 3 oscars by now (he should of got one for the departed as well by the way).
The drawings & then the drawing & then the hand in the car, i understand it all but it was all just put in there just to sell the story wasnt it. It doesnt add to much to it all. Its more believable that she goes to third class then all of that happening.
Will the seats be seated according to class? I wanted to punch all the rich people throughout the film but that was the last straw. The really could all fuck off & drown at that point, they didnt deserve to live. Were back to me hating people who think they are entitled again.
Why did the architect only apologize to Rose for not building her a better boat & no one else? i know it adds to the drama of time running out but nah that didnt sit well. Moving the clock forward to the time it sunk was cool tho & that the captain going down with the ship was very iconic too.
Is she dead or asleep at the end of the film? I think shes dead & its her moving into the after life to see Jack & her happy memories, but i know lots of people think shes just asleep. Also why did she throw the diamond away in the end & not give it to her granddaughter, seems a bit pointless after all of that. I do understand the metaphor of it all that it belong on the ship with her memories, but nah should of kept it.
The staging & the filming of this looked like hell & must of been sooooooo cold to do. Also how much water did they use to film some of those bit in it.
I understand why people like it & it did pull on heartstrings a little, but it is self indulgent if im honest. Id have liked more of a story about the actual ship with dramatised bit of it not just a love story that happened to be on the Titanic.
Its not a bad as i thought it would be, but its not something i will actively choose to spend 3 hours of my life from start to finnish & watch again