This is only out recently so im going to try not to spoil it other than it being real life so some of this you can find out yourself.
Heads i watch the lost daughter, tails tick tick boom… Tails
well i will watch the lost daughter soon its up for awards at the oscars so…
yep time to watch Garfield’s Oscar nominated performance & see exactly how good he is & if he deserves the nomination, which im sure he does. & Its Lin Manuel Mirandas directing debut, so im hoping for good things.
Yep Garfield deserves his nomination 100%, i mean hes bloody brilliant, but hes not going to win it. ITs still Smiths. But considering i didnt know anything about Jonathan Larson other than he wrote Rent & died really young, i got a really good lesson in his life his ideas & his love of music, theatre & craft. He put so much pressure on himself to succeed, i was sitting there with anxiety for him in my lounge. It was a magical performance. wonderful. Shame hes up for this in a year where there are 2 people who are so much better than that. I think in previous years if this had been out then hed have got it just not this year.
I normally dont like films that leap all over the place in time, but it was clear that was his thought process for making his musical & what he wanted to do & how weird & wired his brain was, so it made complete sense about 15mins in. It worked.
The songs were epic, they really were. I mean i sat there & i felt the correct emotional state through each one. They just rocked be it in the narration of the story part or the actual story they were brilliant.
There a purposeful walk he has at one point where he just walks straight & its all on him & waiting for him to talk & that was the second best bit of directing in the film, but it felt like it was the start of his life now & that he had finally grown & was ready for everyone to share his work with.
There were a few points in the build up to the workshop where shit went down when i just went oh god no, or for fuck sake, mainly that advertising meeting, or agent discussions, or being turned down. The main one was the power cut tho. But then we dont get that epic swimming pool part of the film, which was so clever. Next time i go singing i will think of tick tick boom while i do laps.
So the best pert of the film is his Kitchen Floor reset. For those of you who dont know, a kitchen floor reset is when you suddenly realise that the entire world is up against you & youve got lots of anxiety & stress & something really small pushes you off the top of the cliff & you go home & sit in front of you fridge with a mug of tea & cry & scream & someone in your family will come & pick you up & listen & then go you done, & then you get up & change your life. He has one, but in the rain on a piano in an open air stadium leaving his soul for everyone to hear, but theres no one there so he has to pick himself up. I cried watching that. It was so powerful & heart breaking & it was his oh crap moment, it really was. & it was nice for a man on his own to have those emotions. HE needed to have it & it just worked, & it was the best directed part of the film by a country mile, even tho ive talked about that walk earlier. It goes to show that sometimes we all need a kitchen floor reset.
Im guessing all the people in the dinner were actually the people from the original productions & workshops he did. They all just nailed it & i loved it. They were so brilliant.
I love the life lessons he ignores along the way & then at the end of the day once hes learnt them all the people he cares about then tell him to forget them because he is a star & will make it one day. Yes he did learn his lessons & have his moment of reflection, but then to be told by everyone thats what makes him him, was nice because then they understood & accepted it too.
90s is very in at the moment, well it is with me anyhow, so i loved some of the 90s throw backs & fashion going on. It made me feel at home even if it was the other side of the pond. It then also freaked me out at the end that he was basically the same age as my parents at that time & that broke my heart a little.
So this film isnt up for best picture at the oscars… why the hell isnt it. Its better than a couple of other films on that list definitely. It was magical. It grabbed your attention. It had brilliant songs & a fantastic lead actor performance. Its was amazing. I recommend you all watch it, it may not all be for you but there will be a moment which will just connect with you or break your heart, that you will resonate with.