Spider pig spider pig does whatever a spider pig does… and that’s your Film right there.
The Simpson’s go even more global than they all ready were, by going on the big screen. & then not returning yes I know surprised that didn’t keep going.
Basically it’s an extended episode so there aren’t really too many spoilers to have as if you still watch it you know what else has happened in the serise.
The town has polluted the local lake so much that when Homer decides to go get some doughnuts he dumps his pig cylinder there which create a fish with 39 eyes, due to this the town is put in a dome & cut off from the outside world. Eventually they find out Homer did it & after a riot the family escapes to the outside world where they realise Springfield is to be blown up. Homer doesn’t go with the rest of his family h then they are recaptured & put in the dome. After several epiphanies Homer goes and mends his relationship with his family & saves Springfield from the bomb being treated as a hero.
The itchy & scratchy bit about them going to the cinema to watch a tv show extended on film is brilliant, sums the whole thing up intirely.
First off president Schwarzenegger… that’s funny in its self, let alone the i was elected to lead not read.
Mr burns & his light switches one to power the town once cut off from the world the other releases the dogs, after lots of non important reasons which he thinks are good ideas it’s only when the heartfelt reason is said they he decides to release the hounds, but after telling them which door is the exit. Everything from smithers face, to the sheer number of dogs is funny.
Bart actually after years of wanting to kill him wants a father, and as a role model, but turns out holding a bomb is more fun than that.
Green day playing the titanic song while sinking to there deaths in the lake, is brilliant.
That sex scene which isnt a sex scene is a complete piss take off disney but is so wrong & horrific, imagine taking your kids to see this film & the questions they would ask you while this bit happens, awkward.
Maggies first word is sequal, which then never happened, yeah i know.
Dr Nicks Death bye everybody.
There are adverts in the film for other things fox do on tv thats taking it a bit to far.
Clap for Alaska.
Where does Homer get all those burger & hot dogs from that bart keep flicking out of his hand.
It was a good film at the time, but i just think that they should have kept to TV and not a movie, its not like its the last horrah as its still going on tv. Which makes the whole thing a bit pointless really.