yep my parents havent stopped prime yet or changed their login so here i am on my friday night watching The Report. Something ive wanted to see for a while, but because ive not had prim ive not. So im looking forward to this. I love a US political drama based on real life, & you know Adam Driver is King isnt he…
I mean you all know what i think of Adam Driver & everything, but this, this is his best performance by a country mile. How he wasnt recognised for it & didnt get any buzz of this film i have no idea. IT must have been the subject matter & everything that was going on with that & the political situation at the time, but still. The man really really really can act & this proves it. Superb.
So i love a film about the american legal system or politics be it a real life story or a fabricated one. I love all the dialogue they use & the fast pace & how how manipulative it all is & its being so odd compared to what we have here in the UK. Theres a lot to get through in this film legislation & redaction wise, but at no point did i feel lost. I think that helped that as you started to get lost they then jumped back in time to show you what happened at the time so you could understand why it was being investigated. It was very clever.
now i ve watched 24, i binged it all as a teenager & there are some scenes in it where you sit there & watch the torture & the stuff that goes on where you go yea thats a bit much. I also like the worst kind of horror the psychological horror that stays in your head & freaks you out. I was sat on the edge of my chair with the report watching some of the torture scenes & the way prisoners were treated & the attitudes towards it going, this is too much. I didnt want to watch it, but felt so compelled to watch it all. It wasnt a nice watch & at one point i had to pause it afterwards just to check i was okay. Yea you dont recommend the report to someone unless you know they can cope with it.
That room they put them in to compile the report was a bit horrific & as much as they were really dedicated to putting the report together & outing the truth there were so many hurdles personally & political they had to leap through. I mean no wonder he was so passionate by the time he was done & really want justice & for everyone to get there comeuppance & then for the senate to basically be reselected & know that it would never fully make the light of day must have been frustrating. You know i type film blog reviews which sometimes take me a long time to write & think up & im upset if less that 10 people read it after ive given up an hour of my life to write it. These guys worked for years upon years on this for it to all be redacted.
I was really concerned when it go to the end & thought he was going to leak the full report to the press & then at the last second he just went nah i cant do that, thats not who i am. I was really worried he would just end up like the res of them & lose his moral after everything he had been through. I mean leaking it to Rhys isnt a bad idea but im glad he didnt.
I love that it ends with the actual real senator John McCains speech that he gave when he left the senate & about being a prisoner of war & just being a human as well & human rights. That was bloody powerful. Im so glad films are actually using the real footage to illustrate their story it just works & makes it more authentic. You do then remember that what you are watching did happen in real life to real people & its not just a movie.
No one faced justice for this after all of that time, not one person has been held to account. That really was a oh fuck you people really. I mean im glad it told you at the end what did happen, but because nothing did it just made me frustrated that after all of that, they still got away with it.
I do love these films but i always find them hard to review, because theres so much talking & so much political & legal stuff to go through. Its a solid watch with some really good performances, but is also a hard watch too which really will make you feel uncomfortable at times.
End of the day these were real peoples lives that were ruined due to 9/11. ITs uncomfortable but unfortunately this did all happen & this was a very interesting way of telling the story.