Monday film time wooohooo looking forward to this. I love a true story. & lets be honest Broadbent & Mirren are classic so you cant go wrong can you. Yeah lets do this. Its going to be lush.
Theres about 20 other people in the cinema. I am the only person under the age of 45 defiantly not the implied target audience. There were a couple off odd ones here, so not just me on my own.
Trailers Phantom (yes) Lost city (yes) Downton (nope) Fantastic beasts (yes) & Nan the movie (had no idea this was a thing but okay) operation mincemeat (hello to Jason Issacs{yes}) & then lightyear (give me Chris Evans). So a right mix there.
& then the film started… Oooooh it was nice it was very very nice & heart warming & funny & exactly what a british film needs to be.
Jim Broadbent was brilliant he really was. I mean i know i very often say that Jim Broadbent is brilliant, but it was a oh yea hes still got it moment. HEs not been the lead for a while so this was very nice to see him be that, rather than be a side or just supporting. He owned it & you just felt like you were watching something really nice & honest when he was on the screen. Mirren was a triumph too. Especially when she was in shock that was funny but really good because that would be how you react throughout wouldnt it.
Fionn was good to, you dont realise how good he is until later on in the film. However Matthew Goode, was brilliant. HE is only in it for all of 10minutes as a barrister however, when he does that speech about a neighbour boring your lawn mower that is outstanding. If the real guy in court actually did do that then good on him, but he delivered it so well & was so calm & collective & brilliant, it just gave you a positive prospect on life, something we all need.
So im good at working stuff out in films i really am, & i didnt do any research on the actual real life story before i went to see it, however, i missed something bleeding obvious that when i was revealed i was like the fuck did i not see that. I was angry at myself for not seeing it. Arghhhhhhhhhh.
The occasional flash backs or flash forwards were good. Not over used, but they were cleverly done especially as they had links to things you had already seen.
Some good attitudes to life & morals (some bad ones too including black mail i should point out) but for the time some of the opinions he as an older person had about others & attitudes was really good & it was nice that everyone came together at the end. Just nice honest real people really.
When Clare from Fleabag turned up i did the DiCaprio once upon a time point in the cinema, my bad. But who was Matthews number 2 cross examiner who was he, i know that face arghhhhhhh.
All of my knowledge of Goya comes from Nolan as i did some research after tenet so cheers for that Chris much appreciated. was useful at times.
Ive actually seen that painting, its still in the national gallery. ITs behind where Bond & Q sit in Skyfall. So i looked at it before i sat on that bench & went its just a big ship. Hehe.
When he is in the dock being a witness, its hilarious & sweet & something i could imagine my grandparents saying & doing if they were in that situation with there sense of humour. It was lovely.
It just had this wholesome proud british vibe to it. Everyone looked like they were enjoying working on it & were really proud of what they were creating. IT just felt right & was everything that youd want a british film to be. I mean you dont have to see it. It is a real life story so you can google hat happened for the real thing which i have done since.
Yea that was a good start to a busy 8 days of cinema trips. What a start lets see if the rest can keep up. Happy monday peoples.