Thank god for sky disney on sunday morning, and the fact that it is on demand. Makes my lie ins so much more fun to then get to watch a classic film. Even though this one isnt so old.
It kinda turns a typical fairy tale on its head, as the girl also turns into a frog, not just the prince. Its also quite nice that the girl with no passion to be a princess who works hard for her dreams ends up being the princess, thats very undisney.
Im glad that it keeps it all in the loop & is in the same universe as the rest of disney, by making the firefly the second start to the right, when he sacrifices himself for his friends. He also gets his happy ever after as he ends up with the girl of his dreams who he had always been wanting.
A Jazz playing aligator, i have seen worse things on a night out nut he rocks it.
Its a very good moral for kids especially spoiled girls that life doesnt always work out how you expect it and that you need to work for it.
I am getting a bit pissed off that disney keep killing off parents at the moment though, thats quite a few in the last couple of films. Its ruining me emotionally.