I have had two friends recommend i watch this film as they recon i will really like it. They have warned me its very full on in places but im up for that, whats life without a few shocks every now & then. I am also looking at my Netflix list going hmmm what can i fit in before The Circle is on tonight #TeamSyed all the way. This film fits in perfectly lets do it.
Okay my friends where not wrong when they said it was full on were they. Thats a lots of fucked up shit for a 97 minute film. Oh my oh my… Yea i need to give you a bit of a synopsis before i leap into or try to do it as i type, other wise you will all being going has this girl gone mad…
I love the heart & the key message to it that if everyone takes what is rightfully theirs, everyone will get an equal share & that the top 10% make the other 90% suffer which is the case with the world as a whole. I mean my country maybe on a higher level, but i am nowhere near the top 10% of people i my country no way. I know what i have i take for granted (especially now i have moved out) but oh man does it make you think well maybe if we did all think we would have a better chance in life.
I like the fact that everyone moves floors every month & takes it in turn to be where they are in the food chain & i guess that is why they explain that the top eat so much as while they are on level 8 not next month it could be 158. But the dropping of bodies who cant cope with which floor they are on & some of them were leaping from above them while they were struggling says an awful lot doesnt it. It really is a clever way to show the social scale & what you will do to survive.
I like how they just let him take a knife in, okay yes hes in prison & hes only got one cell mate but still. HE was a good narrator & exposition speaker, which meant later on once he had died he came back to haunt him. They also let that dog in too. That was a stupid move, & it was only a matter of time before that dog was going to be eaten.
Also what kind of country lets you voluntary go to prison for 6 months to get a degree? Its weird isnt it. Okay yes this is a weird film i agree to that but still going to prison to get a masters is a bit extreme, its better to do the work mate.
I love the fact the guy asked for snails, & that he was nicknamed a snail before that & then no one touched them & then he was like im gonna leave them for someone else to eat, that was sweet.
The cannibalism was a step to far i feel. Did we need to really show that. I know that then helped with the visions & the exposition that he was being haunted by the people he ate but still. It was a bit gross.
I love the fact that they tried to change everyones opinion to make sure the people bellow lived & that they beat people up who didnt cooperate after talking to them nicely & sorting stuff out with them. All the people on the lower levels really did appreciate it didnt they.
I like the various punishments for taking the food from the table & that people melted set on fire or froze if they took something for later.
That chef was too much of a perfectionist as someone who lived with 2 chefs for all of her life they have never gone that mad at anything, well not that ive seen.
I also love the irony on the panna cotta thats brilliant.
& how fast does that platform move at the end with the girl on it, its a miracle that one she was alive anyhow & two that she didnt wake up r fall of the platform. Its also a shame she doesnt get to see her Mum who died like 10 floors before in that fight, but was nice that she got to close it out.
The mum was good in looking for her daughter, she knew who the good people were to save to be with her & protect her, thats why he didnt die earlier in the film. I felt sorry for her when she did pass away but what a way to go.
Im guessing he was dead at the end right & that he had lived out his mission to try & bring balance to the world. Not that we ever see if they did learn from this.
Its a fucked up & horrific film, which is proper ewwwwww, but with a very powerful & strong message to it, which in any other setting would be seen by more people & people should go yea there is enough to go round lets all be a bit fairer, but because its in the psychological horror genre, it wont be taken as seriously.
If you like psychological horror this films for you, if not stay away, it will be too much. Im happy people recommended this to me.