Cinema Club style will try not to spoil
So this film, i was recommended by someone on Letterboxd (cant remember who but it was back in March) & when it came out over here in May it had a very limited release. So much so that the closest cinema showing it was in London & it was a 2pm in the afternoon. Urgh Urgh Urgh. & then i got an email 2 weeks ago from Now TV going black friday deal £2 for 2 months of the film package, yes please. So i knew i could watch this.
This was never actually meant to be watched tonight. I am meant to be at my cinema watching Aftersun, but ive got there & my films off due to the heating & some screens being shut. URGH. No cancellation email until half way though today. So ive gone home & put this on while im in a concentrating mood. Lets do this.
This is without doubt one of the best films i have seen not at the cinema this year. WOW! Its phenomenal. Seriously. If you saw my tweets about it last night on my film change ( i know i should be writing other reviews & not this) but you will have seen that it was just full of tweets going the shit, i did not see that coming, fuck off & the actual fucking hell. Crazy. I was sat on the edge of my sofa in my blankie going ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so much. Im so sorry to the rest of my building.
I love Mark Rylance, he is fact becoming one of my favourite actors of all time. & this performance (ive not seen bridge of spys yet) was simply phenomenal. He will not get any award season buzz this year & its a shame, but what i just watched for 102 mins was just stunning. I was sitting here so captivated & so enthralled. Watch it just for him.
I love how people come in & out of the film at different times & we see how it all grows & then how everything spirals away. The supporting cast is amazing too. No one had a bad performance at all. It was like watching a play & it just kept going & was so organic.
Twist that were twists & twists that were. & then you thought it was over & then band…. ahhhhhhh
The scheming & the back stabbing amazing.
So much blood sheed. It was so calmly paced & then bank blood guts gore, its not for the faint hearted. Its very ewwwwwwwwwwwww at times, especially when…. that would spoil it if i said. But someone getting sewn up. Ouch ouch ouch, not nice, but brilliant.
I dont want to type anymore about this until i watch this again, which i 100000% will. I want you all to see it & go Holy Shit, like i did. When i eventually see Aftersun next week, i doubt it will beat this film. Theres not been many that have been as good as this in 2022.