New film content over christmas, while in tier four where you cant go out to the cinema even though there are 3 films i want to see this week. So yes i cant wait to see this. So i am going to do this like a cinema club review peoples, not a sofa viewer. I will watch this again & give you a proper review, but with this film only being out for 4 days its not fair to spoil this yet.
Its pretty emotional, im gonna forewarn you about that. I say hear & watched it with my bubble & we all cried at different points. & various other people i have spoken to about this said that it had gut punches & made them feel sad. So yeah be prepared to shed a few tears in your new tiers people.
It is a Clooney film there is no doubt about it, the pace sets that up. ITs just so well perfectly timed & it never feels to slow & it just switches between stories so perfectly. It a huge achievement (okay Nolan’s time shift is more epic but you know). His acting as well is just wow.
Felicity Jones is stunning, seriously, i keep saying this about her, so she really is a fabulous actress & we need to appreciate her so much more.
Sweet Caroline…. Duh Duh DUUUUHHHHH
The two different journeys you go through are brilliant & would stand on there own as there own films, but putting them together is a masterclass.
Theres a section in an airlock where you as the viewer really do sit there feeling every single moment & just are like come on you can do this. That hurts being unable to help as a viewer.
I like the fact that earth is kind of dead (not a spoiler its in the synopsis & you if you hadnt read that you find out 2 mins into the film) but i like the fact you dont ever really know why. Thats clever. Just as long as that doesnt happen in 2049.
Birds & Wolves scary.
I didnt feel cold like i do when i watch The Revenant, probably the switches between make me not feel that.
I can never trust Kyle Chandler after he killed Ben Mendelsohn in bloodline, but man he was good & his character & Myers were the two i related too.
The end oh man, & then the fact that the credits are actually part of the film.
& thats all i can say without spoiling it.
Go find it on Netflix people & lose yourself for 2hours, its well worth a watch. My mama isnt a huge Scifi or end of the world fan (she does love George tho) but she really enjoyed it. So im sure there is something in there for everyone.
God that was nice writing a cinema club review which isnt actually a cinema club review… memories.