so until we get to May/June thats my birthday for 2021 done. Had a lovely day with the girls, epic brunch, lovely walk, nice chat, lots of gifts & now im on my Sofa with a snacket deciding what should i watch next. Now i have time to watch almost anything & i have time to concentrate too, so im going to watch The King. I mean its been a couple of weeks since i last saw Timothee’ in anything so lets do this shall we. I know this era isnt usually my thing but you know, how bad can it be.
So medieval films arent usually my thing, but they have been quite a bit recently which has freaked me out a bit, but you know i thought this would be cool to sit & watch & mull over on a Saturday night & im sure someone with more knowledge of this era of history would have sat here & enjoyed it more than i did. I still did enjoy it, however there were a few bits where i was like say what.
So lets get him out of the way first… BEN!!!! I mean hes dead pretty quickly being the King & Hals dad so yea he had to die, but how many british kings or leaders has this man now played for an Aussie. I mean he loved a scowl & id go to War for the Mendelsohn so that worked. The hair was not nice, but the coat throat evil delivery at times was brilliant. & then hes dead. Oh well bye Ben. Please go be the bad guy in hunch back please please please. Im going to petition disney for this.
Timothee’ is a properly good actor there is no denying that. Hes coming of age & can do it all & as a reluctant King whos toyed about & then extremely vicious, he rocked it. I like how he so didnt want the job & it was so nope not for me but i can do my job better than anyone else attitude. I mean it does reek of sulky teen playing up doing anything you can do, but it worked & he eventually go to stand his ground & become worshiped.
What was with Robert Pattisons Accents!?!?!?! answers on a post card please. It was horrible. Why did he decide to to that. I mean how could any army take that voice seriously. & then he met his muddy bloody death relatively easily, which was like yea that character for the arrogance deserved it.
There was an MVP in this film & its no one who ive mentioned here (not even the guy from mission impossible) it was Joel Edgerton. Im gonna start a Joel Edgerton deserves recognition fan club soon. On screen & behind the screen the man is class. I did wonder why we were spending so long at the beginning learning about this random guy who likes a pint & a shag & caused trouble but was his friend & it end up being him who saves the day, comes up with the plan & also decided fuck it if im sending men to possibly die i may as well go with them as its my word this will work. When you see his body on the battle field at the end once his epic plan has worked & the french have been defeated, i genuinely felt sad for him. Proud as his scheme had worked & hed executed the perfect move to take the french out but he was dead so he never go his glory that all those old idiots could see him as. I know that was the point but still. Justice for Joel.
So Hal wanted to be a peaceful king & not have wars & battles & shit that goes down & he keep going nope nope nope & then hes manipulated by everyone around him to do it & then does it & then murders fucking everyone. I mean i get hte point he had to be betrayed somewhere & the mission impossible guys deceit & lies do catch up with him & he dies horrifically, but still. After all of that he just then was still a puppet of the church & the lords & any other old english wanker in court (i can say that being english, they still are).
The final battle Joel’s ultimate plan is amazing. Its beautifully shot, in fact all the fights are, even when the kids are murdered ( thats something i never thought id type) but they are so well done. I mean there is a lots of scrambles & close up moment & bits that are not nice to watch, but that was what the world was like back then. It wasnt nice & happy it was horrific.
So i have a history question now for people. So we (the Englsih) tried to take over everywhere & we sent our arms & quite often our kings & heads of unions & powerful people to the front line to at the very least plan if not take part in the battles & wars. So who the fuck was in charge back home. Seriously who? Its not mentioned at all. & the king & his people are gone for a long fucking time too. You know they cant just let you know that ahhh we will be back wednesday can they. nope no no. I mean we didn a bloody good job with our fights & armies. Also all of those people were just willing to do what their king said & a large percentage knew they werent coming home didnt they. We can be stupid some times.
As victory hes given the king of Frances daughter…. okay. That so wouldnt happen now (& not because France dont have a King). Just felt weird.
Some of the scenic shoot before the battles & the calmness & peace of life was lovely & beautiful & was some nice cinematography.
The film was a little bit too long, we could have cut out a few upperty meeting or made them a little shorter. 2h20 felt a little like 2h20.
As i said medieval films arent usually for me, but this had some outstanding moments & some wonderful acting & battles. Im not sure how historically accurate it was & if i did know that i may have rated it a bit higher, but i am glad i have now watched this. It wont be in my soon to re-watch pile. Ive seen it & that is that.