Part One of a triple header this week. & also a good way to end my almost week off. A 5pm film that id never be able to get to. Lets see when Stewart can do as Diana shall we & where it actually decides to go.
for a 5pm showing there were people there (another 11 to be precise) the two older ladies in from of me were there all looking posh & proper waiting for something regal definitely. I was also defiantly the youngest person there (mainly because everyone else my age was still at work). I mean not that that bothers me at all.
Trailers were Cmon Cmon, which looks sweet but its been made for award season definitely just by its tone, Pirate, which still looks hilarious, House of Gucci ,when do i get my next Driver fix, Belfast ,Sir Kens kicking it & King Richard which i hope to see next week. Yea lots of trailers not many film adverts we are at that time of year again arent we, to get bums on seats in the big screen. I mean i cant blame them theyve missed out for what feels like a life time.
& then the film started… & if you want the truth about the royals & Diana, this isnt the film for you, but that doesnt mean its not a good film.
Kristen Stewart is stunning as Diana. I mean the hair & clothes & the era & the fact Diana is frozen in time does help anyone who plays her, however as Diana as a person with those sly looks & that impish look is spot on. However its the mental health side which is amazing. ITs compelling & you really do feel for her & the whispers & whats going on in her head & how everything just effected her so much. The eating disorder & the double life & the way she has to present herself, im amazed she coped at all. Its one of those performances in years to come where people will see did you watch Spencer, wasnt Stewart wonderful.
& she will get an oscar nomination for this role, but because of who she plays. She would have given the same performance if it was in an indi film about someone under pressure to confirm who had mental health issues & an eating disorder, but would she have been oscar nominated, probably not. By having her as Diana, you guarantee the nomination & at this point she is the front runner for the win. & thats one of the problems with hollywood & award season. No one would have given her a nod if she was in a small film doing this, but make her the princes of Wales & suddenly glory.
I like the queen, i do. The Royal family are all right, but there were points in this where i just wish theyd lighten up & be a bit more normal. But i get that is what they actually are.
The kids William & Harry were brilliant. Especially when Harry asked William do you want ot be King… I loved that moment, was the best moment of the film. & then the fact he deflected it off himself & asked his mum if she wanted to be queen which was the perfect answer of ill be your mother is that enough. I liked that the whole cinema actually went awwww at that moment.
The Royal kitchen & food prep was madness, but as someone whos parents actually in the 90s feed royalty, i can completely understand all of that for Christmas. Im still stupendously proud that my parents did that & that my dad was Head Chef for Prince Charles visit . Really was something special & will stay with all of us forever.
The vision were a bit of a trip if im honest, im not sure we needed all of them maybe a few but not that whole massive amount at the start of the third act.
All those Corgis. so cute
Because its an imagining it gets away with a lot more that if it was trying to be fictional like the crown does. Its still a clever imagining but because no one can confirm or deny other than the royals, we will never know.
I did enjoy it. It depicted a woman trying to break the shackles of a double life & crumbling marriage & Kristen deals with that & the mental health so well. If you want a film about actual Diana this isnt it, but its still bloody stunning.