first of all before i even start to type a big shout out to this guy (click here) on twitter, who recommended at the start of May that i watch this film. Thank you for your recommendation, on a good film to watch with plot twists where you said i would enjoy it & would only want to talk about it, so i thought why not see it on a sunday evening… lets see what all the fuss is about this 2016 spanish film on netflix shall we.
Before i start i would actually like you to not read this & watch the film please & then come back to this blog okay… you watched it now good, lets chat.
Ive never been against films in different languages. Its never bothered me if theres subtitles in a film ever, its just they are usually less mainstream, but Parasite has changed this with the world now (& also people being in lockdown & running out of films to watch on Netflix & disney plus) so i am so happy all these fantastic films are coming to light.
I think a subtitled film engages you more. As its all in a different language you ahve to watch every single piece of the film & really pay attention, you cant suddenly look at your phone to see who txt you as by the time you are back to the screen youve missed something really important & your going hang on a second what happened there. I also think because its in a different language, you dont know who all the actors are so it make it a lot more believable because you are watching it going ooooh really. No offence to Hollywood actors & our british guy & girls even in lots of make up you are still someone famous (even Oldman dressed up as Churchill he was still Oldman). It makes it more real.
It does also mean that im sitting there getting really engrossed in a foreign language film which im sitting there going oh wow at but it could be a national embracement in its home country. You know people in spain might sit there & go oh you watched The Invisible Guest bless you for wasting your time on that, & then im sitting there going oh wow thats stunning. You never know what your going to get.
I love that its a 2 hander but with flashback to introduce more shithousery (new favourite word that is). They were both so good at discussing the make up of the film & how it all fitted together & different prospective. & then the way the flash backs make you judge what was going on & see it through different peoples eyes & perspective so then you picked up on things was really clever. It just added to the mystery of it.
One thing that pissed me off ( which isnt the films fault)is just as we were getting to the reveal or so i though we were my netflix crashed & so i had to turn my entire tv off & then reconnect to it which it sometimes doesnt like to do straight away & i was just sitting there screaming at my tv going no how dare you bugger off. So when it was working again was like 15mins later booooooooo.
Theres a lot of dialogue & reading & exposition which is all so well shown & sorted out & just makes you get even more invested in it to know every single persons dirty little secret.
The deer was bad CGI it really was. & no person ever leaves there phone at home, no one not even my dad. So that was bloody suspicious too.
I like how just randomly meeting that man on the road after the accident was everyones undoing. It really was & it was so clever cos you just though aww nice family & then when you realise who they are & oh shit its going to all go wrong, you just sit there & wonder how the web of lies will continue.
How did he get into that award show? & then get so close to him before anyone actually deals with him? I mean thats brilliant because then you know they are watching him & that they do think he is really responsible.
The hotel in the snow is the one from the night manager right? & do all hotel rooms take away there window handles in the winter in europe? That wasnt something i was aware off, that does happen in the uk well not anywhere that ive been.
I like how for the majority of the film we do actually sit there & believe that there was someone else in the room & all the different theories to it, for then it to be revealed much later that it was the actual main guy who did it all did feel like a bit of a oh man weve gone through so many theories & different ways for this to all happen & then its just him darn it. I mean thats twisty enough that you should of just believed him to start with.
& then the main twist that its actually the husbands wife & not the legal representative & that they have the information for the confession just as the actual real person arrives, thats brilliant. Proper holy shit moment that not only has he been played but you have too. & all the clues were there too. So much hiding in plane site through out that you miss it & you just think fuck you movie for being that clever. As a hiding in plain sight fan i was angry at myself for not seeing it.
I really really liked this film a lot, hence ive told you all to watch it before i spoiled it for you. I dont think my type up has done it justice. I just got so engrossed in it & loved every single second. Well worth a watch for the twists & the reveal at the end peoples. Give it a go.