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First DVD film of the new year oooh yeahhh. I mean im watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang already & The Sound Of Music will probably be tomorrow. But this one ooooh ive waited along time to see this, does that make me a bad person…. probably. I wanted to watch this on a flight to America a couple of years ago after realising it was on the plane. When i got on the plane it wasnt on the list to watch, they had removed it the day before. I mean i watched Split instead so i cant complain to much.

For those who dont know much about this film, its horror battle royal film. I think that sums it up quite well. Its so interesting to see how the premise effect people & if you think you would survive this kinda thing. So that was my reason for viewing it, as well as hoping it would be a more extreme version of the hunger games. Which it did deliver on.

I mean its pretty clear quite on with this film exactly who the last few people are going to be who will almost or will get through the film. Its obvious from the start who they will be, that was the one good bit about the film the hunt you didnt meet that person straight away it was a bit delayed with that so you were watching people & caring about them & then they died. This one i know that Mike Barry & Danny are all getting close to the end. Except Rooker, didnt see that death appearing so early but i guess he just had to be in a James Gunn film right. I mean if hes not in it now you kind sit there going well where is he. Same with Sean.

The voices are a little sinister, i guess you have to have one if your controlling peoples lives in a horror film. You cant sound like James McAvoy can you youve got to sound evil.

I like how they sent home all the locals to not take part in it. Just the employees from other country’s deserve to die. & as much as kidnapping seems high in this country, having that chip put in you is a little surreal & strange & everyone just went along with it & got one. Seriously. That does seem a little weird. But then again it is a film.

I like how they try & get help & its just met with either retaliation gun fire or the threatening of blowing your head off. I mean madness but it works.

The execution scene where they put people in groups to kill them so then the rest of them have more of a chance of getting out is horrible. Thats the bit that i dont like & freaks me out quite a bit. I know its life & death but whos to say that you should die & so should they. Its horrific. I know some people see this part & think oh wow, but nah thats the bit i wish the film didnt have. thus probably proving me a weakling & one of the first to go in this situation.

Do all big office blocks in large corporations have an armoury downstairs with a fuck ton of guns or weapons? Im pretty sure if i asked my guy in my office building if we had that hed sit there & laugh at me for suggesting such a thing. But obviously that is standard else where.

Some of the deaths are gruesome & horrible, & some are just fun. The lift & the tape dispense definite favourites of mine. To quote Steve Coogan in the parole office never mess with an office worker. Taking the chips that werent detonated to create an explosion to get out or take people out was an amazing idea, thats what id try to do if i got that far.

usually i hate fake endings, but this one i got. He had to have a show down with the people who did this & get revenge. Which i am so glad we did, but he took them all out, every single one of them, so he didnt really get any answers. & then hes the only person alive in the middle of nowhere with over 100 bodies in a building to answer about.

It does then set this up for more films with all the various one off survivors escaping. I think that by only answering only 5 of my 500 questions the idea of a follow up is really helpful, however it does make me mad that i dont have them now. I want to know why why WHY?!!??! We probably wont get a sequel will we?

I enjoyed watching this. Survival films are obviously my kinda thing. It did feel like a more grown up hunger games, but i needed more exposition & a few more answers to make this a solid film & provide me with some of the answers that i still needed to make it a really really good film.

If you like survival films against the odds then this is going to be the film for you.

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