0 6 mins 2 yrs

If you are here for the spoiler version of this… please wait 6 months

So you know the drill by now, especially if youve been here for a while. In December each year usually on boxing day when im trying to fill time in-between snacks, i write a list of the 32 films i would like to see at the cinema in the next year to tick them off. 32 films is the equivalent of seeing the number of films that will pay for my pass with my multiplex. So i did that this year & yes some have moved into next year already i know, but one i knew we were getting this summer was The Gray Man. Gosling & Evans trying to kill each other. So it went on the list (pretty high up to at number 13) & i was like yea that will look good. & then it was announced Netflix had the film & it would have a short cinema release… that release was a week & the closest cinema to me was either 2h away or sold out with member presale. urgh… So here i am on my saturday night when i was going to start the next part of the MCUathon again, watching the Gray Man ( i was busy on friday other wise id have watched it then), so lets do this people lets see what the fuss is all about.

I get why its got a low tomato score. I do. I can see its made up of other grate action set pieces & the story is from else where, however, does that make it a bad film… absolutely not. OMFG IT was insane. This is my Jam & Vibe peoples.

Gosling, is brilliant. Hes also the only character you can trust in the entire film. He is amazing. Considering he doesnt do too many action films which are this heavy he bosses it & is a brilliant Lead as Six.

All movies should have Chris Evans as a villain. Even with that tash, he is still sooooooooooooooo hot. His quips were good (a few too many tho) & his attitude was pure evil. I loved it. Even in Knives Out you were like ooh but really due to those jumpers but this nah this hes evil & its brilliant.

Ana finally gets her Bond Girl moment in this. No Time to Die got rid of her far to quickly but in this she properly got to kick arse & be apart of it all & i am so happy. There was one moment where i was like ahh shes not gonna get a chance & then shit changed & it was sooo good to see.

Does Rege-Jean always have to drive an Audi, now hes in that advert? He was good to considering ive never actually ever seen him in anything ( ive not done bridgerton im sorry peoples) but he wears the suit & has the swagger down to a t. Hurray up & give that man the role of James Bond, please (I want my winnings).

There are a couple of torture scenes, which are a bit ooooooh in it. I mean were not talking 24, but still. Its not nice at points.

I really didnt know who to trust in this. Everyone had alternative motives for stuff. Which mean the end (once we had visited the Goblet of fire maze) was a bit oh okay then. I mean its not the worst netflix film ending in the world, but there are some that are better. Trust me.

The fire works on the barge at the start that was beautifully filmed & amazing. But nothing matches from the point of the arrest to leaving the hospital… that was full on bat shit crazy & i loved every second of it. I was sat on the edge of my sofa not eating the gourmet popcorn i had, because i was so transfixed. Its worth it just for those 20mins alone. Shout out to that car.

“10mil for the guy who shoots this Ken Doll in the head”… say what now. If i had been drinking my Pimm’s at the moment it would have sprayed like innuendo bingo across my lounge. Did he know he was Ken when this was made in 2020… if not thats epic predicting. Loved it.

A mcguffin, thats not even a mcguffin because we then get another mcguffin, thats a good one.

We Trevor from eastenders one of the guys on the plane? The one who used to be evil to Little Mo… im sure its him… not that he lasts long.

Bubble gum & vinyl, just a typical thursday really.

Lots of drone work, thought for all of 3sec at one point i was watching ambulance again…

Also there was no to the left when he does his running, i was waiting for that.

& the ballsy grenade drop, i loved the tenseness of that moment.

So all those moaning about The Gray Man, i see & hear you & i get your point. But this is my kinda film. Take away all my nerdy film stuff & that i should look at cinematography & just watch something for being a bloody good action film full of set pieces where i cant trut anyone, is what i grew up with. These films will always be my jam & vibe & im looking forward to watching it again so then i can do a proper write up for you all.

Epic & so much fun. Perfect for a saturday night come down.

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