Unlike so many films on here recently this has been out a while on Netflix so it has a spoiler warning.
I need comedy in my life especially after watching the Social Dilemma this week so this short comedy produced by Taika will do me fine. A New Zealand comedy just before bed let see what its got.
It delivered where i needed it too. A hilarious 80minute film where i just smiled & laughed through out & it just put me in a such a good place compared to all the dark tv & documentary’s ive been watching recently.
The whole premise of the film is so brilliant, that instead of a dating agency they have a break up agency & will break up your relationship for you is just such an amazing concept. Why has no one done this before (well if they have i havent seen it & it probably wont be as funny as this one). Its such an epic idea.
I like how them being police officers in the first instance of doing a break up goes completely out of control & to the point where they actually go to a police station later on in the film to convince the girl about it & they end up with Officer O’Leary giving her a strip tease to try & get away with it. IT is so awkward but i was laughing so much that my mum actually text me & said are you sleep laughing as i had gone to bed. Its brilliant.
I like how there agency was formed as they were both in the same relationship with the same guy but they were both being cheated on too. ITs brilliant. I am amazed it took them so long to have the trust issues bit of the film later on, but yeah what a way to do it.
I’ll see you around? no you wont…. yes i will its New Zealand we all see each other its not that big a place.
I love the fact that they cant break there friendship bracelets because they were so well made. Thats brilliant. That such a thing that does happen in real life too that when you try to ruin something in front of that person for the most impact it just goes completely wrong.
The pregnancy bit was a little bit weird & just like okay we are going there (calling the kid Nemo tho was epic) but it was just like really. The film is cleverer than that you didnt need to do that.
Getting the couple that broke up back together at the end of the film to get the partnership back was good. I was wondering how the reconciliation was going to happen but oh man i didnt see that coming & i loved it. & it was just so out there & over the top & the lap dancing at the kids rugby club. I was actually crying i couldnt stop laughing.
It sad when Joe rejects Jen. You thought omg maybe this is the moment of redemption for everyone but nah him saying hed grown up & wasnt into doing that anymore, for once you actually hate the guy whos going to be faithful.
Jermain turns up about 10mins in thats a nice surprise but not really for Jen or Mel. Rose too turning up at the super market. I laughed a lot throughout that scene… can we have some privacy erm no i work here.
Going to the parents & then all doing drugs is brilliant. Doing the drugs & the weird parents bit at Jens parents, is awkward but brilliant. Its how you would imagine these people to live theres lives. It makes the stalking of Joe a bit more normal.
Stopping other people walking around the park as there are some dodgy looking guys there epic. We need more services like that.
& i love how they end up doing a make up service at the end too & that gay couple get together at last despite the fact hes spent most of the film telling his best friend that he actually loves him & he doesnt get it. ITs lush.
Oh i just laughed a lot basically. Its well worth a watch people if you like your New Zealand comedy or any comedy. It just made me smile. Yes its ridiculous, but its the normal every day parts in it that just make you laugh so much. Its a gem of a film & true find.