So ive been looking for a new series to watch on tv & i was looking through iplayer and The Accountant appeared, something i always had intended to watch but hadnt got round to. So i thought why not lets see how it goes & lets see how much accounting there actually was in it.
turns out to start with yes quite a lot of accounting goes down & then fuck all. I would just like to say on behalf of all accountant, i know people deem us to be boring however we arent, but no accountant to my knowledge has a life like that. I mean fuck that. Basically we arent all trained ex arm people who end up embezzling money for various mafias.
I’ve said this a few times Ben Afleck isnt a very good actor. I have only ever seen him be good in 2 films, Argo (which he directed) & Gone Girl (which lets be honest he couldnt fuck up could he). Hes okayish in this I mean the character he plays isnt very likeable even with all the trauma & problems he has & as we see his story unfold, you just dont get the connection to either want to help him or make him stop, which ever side you are on. Its just not their at all.
I feel more connected to Anna Kendrick character & shes barely on the screen long enough for you to even like her. But i just love how she goes from freak out to oh shit thats weird to this is normal. Im glad she gets the big pay off in the end though, despite it happening about 30 minutes late & it should of been when he left the room that he gave her the gift, not so long afterward that when she pops up again you go oh yeah what happened to her.
The JK Simmons story was good, its just it was to far into the film his motivation was revelled to make you want to be on his side. Thats what this film gets wrong throughout as ive said above. We either spend to long on stuff we didnt need or not enough time on the things we care about or want to rout for. You know i wanted to know why the so dedicated to this cause but we find that out with 15mins to go, & hes only in the film like once more. Nah cop out film. If you are going to give me fully rounded characters make them the leads not a supporting supporting actor who pops up every now & then.
Did those kids kill their martial arts teacher & the kids who bullied them?
I worked out quite early on who Braxton was. It was like he was saying all the word the other couldnt. He was talking enough for the both of them & thats why it worked. If your going to be a wise cracking hit man do it like that & steal the show defiantly.
But then i know hes your brother & all but but why did he stop… seriously why. He kept saying he had his job to complete so surly that worth taking him out as hes part of the Job too.
Jon Lithgow once again a poorly used actor in this film. Could of had so much more from him about why he did what he did, but never did he ever get to half his full potential. This really makes me not like this film at all jsut use people properly.
I do like the pace from going from a really dull & boring film to suddenly wooopowwww snipers bathroom heists escapes & countless hit men. That was good. I liked that, a shift in tone which the film actually needed as i was sitting there hoping for a little more maths.
the one of each cutlery …
the flask he hit someone with i liked that. Trust me i take a water bottle flask with me to work everyday. that properly gets bashed about & its still not got a scratch on it.
It did deal with some mental health issues but not enough to put them in a positive spotlight. I wanted more on this for them to feel more powerful, but i didnt. IT just then put people in exceptional circumstances to punish them for having them which isnt good & isn’t good to be seen on the screen either. I know sometimes these issues to lead onto other things but the way the film demonstrated it, it was like everyone who has this or know someone who has this your going to have shit forever.
I like Braxtons fuck you to him mum as she get in the taxi, correct response. Youd think shed at least take one of the kids with her.
The film basically irritated me & i didnt enjoy it as much as i wanted to. False ideas of metal health & extreme lives of people in finance & poorly used actors in spots beneath them & not being able to truly to connect to the lead at all really put a downer on this for me. As an accountant, if you want a maths film dont watch this. But also if your not an accountant & you want an action film, dont watch this either. IT falls in neither boat enough to get other the fact that it has to rely on another.