When Disney purchased Fox, im sure they wanted xmen, ugly betty, die hard & walking dead on their system, you know stone cold cash bringers that people would just keep returning too. & with that they got a load of films which that just swap around now & then. Im feeling sci fi tonight so ive put on Solaris. Its on my watch list but i have no idea what its about other than Clooney going to space. So im up for this ride, take me to the unknown people.
Okay some of the special effects were very 2002 at time & i did sit there at point & think yea this looks like this was made 20 years ago, & then it actually viewed the Solaris & the vast amount of space out there & it was very calming & i looked at it & i felt very happy & reflective & enjoyed those parts of the film. Im not sure if that was the films intention, i think it may have initially been more there to freak me out or make me paranoid like the rest of the film, but it was very beautiful at points & was well generated for the period it was made in. I mean the rocket we wont talk about but the horizon yes.
How loud was his chopping board & knife combo. I mean seriously, when it started with that i was like the hell that is loud.
So were the people on the ships clones or there greatest fear or there greatest love they didnt want to lose. It was very weird that they were all being created & it took a little while to explain what was going on & why no one bothered to initially tell anyone about it. When we do eventually get to some sort of explanation, its not explained as well as it can be & its still very much hush hush & like we need to kill the replicant clone things as they arent human but are.
George Clooney is good, but so is a very young Viola Davies who is epic who has to make all the hard decisions in the film. Natascha McElhone is also epic trying to be void of being human when she is the apparition, but then be the most human & most unstable person there in the flash backs. Her talk about her life as an apparition whos not entirely human is very heart-breaking & you do just want her to rest & be at peace with herself & find out what she needed to do.
Everyone just accepted that kid running around the space ship, i mean just he was an apparition, but still would that not freak you out every now & then that there was just this kid knocking about being loud & all over the place. It made me go hang on every time i saw him.
There was one point where George Clooney was naked on a bed eating noodles in a flash back & i txt me mum & said i think you need to watch this film. She hasnt yet mainly because ive got rid of my disney plus account but still. I think when i get it back for the summer she will.
Every now & then it tried to ramp up the tension by a random death or blood or body be discovered, it didnt need to do that. It just needed a slow peaceful pace without all of that stuff.
I knew when he got back to earth he wasnt there & he had decided to stay in space, he was happy with his fake world & the apparitions, so when he cut his hand on that knife it wasnt a shock. Okay maybe that is me being a film nerd but still. I mean it does beg the question what is it to be human (or dancer {or a Muppet [all of the above count by the ay]}) but it is a very interesting question especially with the advances in AI that weve made since this film has been made, what does make us who we are. Are we just atoms or are we more than that. Thats probably bad to type as i can feel my fingers glide over my keyboard & i finish my lukewarm cuppa coffee as i finish this review.
Its very philosophical & calming this film, it wasnt what i was expecting from a Sci-Fi rescue mission film. YEs it has its dark moments but it has more questions than answers in it & is acted superbly. Worth it if you want a slow burner for a sunday night to chill you out.
I enjoyed it & now i know whats happening when i get disney plus back i will give this another go, probably not with my mum tho as she will have 38 questions. Im sure it will answer some of my unanswered questions next time & i will enjoy it even more.