Time to cram for quiz night so apologies for the very long list of bits here but here are my notes. I took while watching the film hopefully some stayed in my head. Or i can at least read them on my notes here before i go into the quiz on tuesday.
Planes train automobiles lets do this this will give you the most random plot summary ever.
2 days before thanks giving
O3g seat
Ibis advert cover
Cosmetics not cancer
4n60 bacon beats him too
Dance man stops & falling over
$75 for a cab 8h30
I don’t have a good nature $20 first then $50
5:58 he get to the airport for his 6pm flight 909
6:58 next airport time check
The Canadian mounted is the book he’s reading at the air port also Forbes magazine
Hot dog beer coffee soda tea he offers
13e seat ticket the stuardess name is mary
Shower curtain sales shower curtain rings
Annoying blabber mouth
Takes shoes & socks off on the plane
$6 and his right ball says they aren’t landing in Chicago
Whititark cansus landed
Like your work love your wife
More chance finding a 3legged ballerina than a hotel room
Braid wood inn motel owner is gus they stay in room 114
Taxi is bobbys taxiola he winks
No bare feet in lobby poster
A million bucks shy of being a millionaire
White flower blue leaves on beddings & curtains
25cent for vibrating bed
Allergic to sponge wouldn’t swap pillows
He read the vomit bag as he was so boring
He can sit in an insurance senimar for days after spending a day with him
Train noises from motel
They are robbed while they sleep
He ate cracker jacks
Between 2 pillows is where his other arm was Those aren’t pillows
Wipes his face with y fronts socks are in the sink
She’s eating crumpets in his nice house
263 dollars for dell 700 Neil other they find out at the diner
Gus sons picks them up from the motel he spits tabacoo named Owen
She’s short & skinny but strong first baby came out sideways no scream
45 miles to station dog in back of truck with them he eats the glove
It’s been interesting it’s the understatement of the year
Train is 1013 contract train
Girl next time Hom has a red jumper earring is magazine
A mile & a half walk to the high way which will then take him to junction city
Man next to him waiting for the bus has mice on his knees 2 they are white
Why don’t you take a picture it will last longer
4100 to St. Louis bus
3 coins in a fountain song followed by the flint stones song
Sells curtain rings as Jewellery to get money
Misses thanks given Padgett
All airlines can’t take them anywhere
Marathon car rental bus v5 is his rental car it’s not there
Trans world plane in the background as he walks back to the airport
She makes a turkey noise
He through his rental agreement away
If I wanted a joke I’d follow you in to the John
Almost crushed your head into a mellon
Grabs him in the balls to help him up
Number plate d5n 378 is dells car he almost hits him with
Passenger seat moves back & forth & reclines
It must be swell to be so perfect & odor free
What would make me happy a couple of extra fingers & some bigger balls
Broke the car seat
Wallet in the glove compartment
Mess around song while he tries to sleep played piano on dashboard drums on steering wheel plays hazards at the end
City goes on back seat not out window
Gets coat caught on window & car reclining button
Skids car out of control almost hit a stop sign
Wrong side of the highway 2 lorry’s coming towards them trying to warn them goes in between the two
Fingers clenched to dashboard
He turned into a devil & skulls as it happened
Car sets on fire neither notice at first bother then just stand there & laugh
He found his wallet & card ended up with dell but now it’s on fire in the car
He then hits dell in the balls
They drive the motel $17 dollars
$2 & a Casio
Stays in room 6
Neil says dell will freeze to death outside
Minis mexico taquilla also had gin
Is unique Latin for arsehole
Why do I fee like I’m at summer camp
They reverse into the motel office
They do 78mph when they speed
Speedometer has melted
The radio still works in the car nothing else does
The police impound the car
Oshkonogging lorry sells cheese they have to sit in the back
Oh my gosh it’s comp name on side of lorry
Lasalle station
The sun run advert for American west airlines
Marie was dells wife she died 8 years ago
He hasn’t been home in years
He doesn’t have a home anymore
He lives at number 12
Every time you go away is played at the end as they all meet up
So the films over & so is my quiz now. I wrote down every single number plate & license & bits like that, did the guy ask any of that. Nope none of it. Darn it. I did remember it as 102 miles to Chicago though which isnt in my notes & we got 8 out of 12 which considering i was the only person who watched the film was bloody good (sorry for blowing ones own trumpet).
honestly i know i was pausing & looking for bits that he may ask, but i bloody loved this film. It really really was good & i would seriously recommend people watch it.
Properly heart warming at points, which really makes you believe in humanity & then one of them does something to piss the other off & you just go oh man. Its a love hate but ultimate respect relationship by the end of the film, it really is.
The whole renting a car bit to getting to the second motel is just amazing. IT really is if your only going to watch 20mins of this film, make it those 20mins. I just love the fact they stare & laugh at the car being on fire, before it all goes to pot.
I worked out quiet early on his wife was dead, & i felt sad then & then when your meant to work it out before the film tells you i was sad again & then for the reveal just made me fall apart a little im not going to lie. It was sweet & sad all at the same time.
Well people it on sky cinema at the moment so if you have 96 minutes of your life spare & want to have a giggle, you cant go wrong with this one. I seriously cant wait to watch this now & not take notes & actually full on enjoy it for the fun of it. Bet i fall apart more the second time.