or not actually
note to self… when watching a film on a plane for the first time, when youve been away for a week & its a rust bucket your flying home in, at stupid oclock & your trying to write notes down for your quiz & then concentrate on the actual plot, it doesnt work.
Also i have stupidly, to save room on my phone removed it from my library, so cant watch it back right now to get the bits i need to tell you about so this is going to be the most random film review ever. Also note to self dont say to yourself you are going to review a film & then actually do it over 6 months later (idiot). Look lifes been busy okay the quiz was important.
Basically a pi is looking for someone & is told to stop looking for someone by an enforcer. They eventually work out they need to work together to solve this case but things get out of hand, theres a kidnapping & things just go a little crazy & they end up solving the case togther catching the bad guy, saving one of thems daughter & setting up in business together.
Thats one of the shortest synopsis i have ever done in my life.
When i watched it i enjoyed it. It was very clever, very 70’s & very aware of itself.
Everything in it that was a bit dodgy or seedy was made a point that that was the case, including the porn stars the swimming the drug & just all the random shit that went down. It knew it was wrong to show this in a film in the 2010’s but as it was correct for the time period it tried to get away with as much as it could.
Crowe & Gossling did bounce off each other well their fights & slaggings off as each other were the highlights of the film. That & the guy going nope in the lift.
It was odd seeing Matt Bomer as the bad guy, it completely worked especially as he was as messed up as everyone else is in the film.
I guess if you lived in 70s america it made sense & was relatable, but not a a lady on the way back from crete who was made up of 80% booze at the time & needed a lot of sleep.
I laughed a lot at it i remember that. But turns out didn’t actually retain anything from it. I will track this film down again one day & watch it again properly for you all. I think i owe that to the film.
Oh we didnt win the quiz by the way but we won the thunderball rollover jackpot. thank you Michael Sheens dad.