Its finally time, for the Duncan Jones Mute (not sequel to moon) if you get me. I have waited a while to see this & tonight i am in the mood for it. I mean if its even half as good as moon is i will be impressed, Moons one of my favourite films ever so im hoping for something fantastic & on the edge of my seat worthy here Duncan.
Well i wasnt expecting that lets just say that. It did take a while to get into but then it just turned & then it turned again & i was like the hell. I mean im still impressed it was still good, i just wasnt expecting all of that at all.
When Sam Bell turns up i did shout OMFG SAM! & then a clone appeared & then so did another one & i was just like yes, i mean it was only news footage but still that was huge. Also lots of adverts all over the place for Luna industries which had me like yes please so that sorted my Moon nostalgia (im calling Moon Nostalgic oh god i am getting old) but yea it hit the nail on the head.
The idea that the lead is completely Mute was very clever. Alexander really has to nail it & get everything else spot on & really make you care about him despite not actually being able to get his message across & he does that very well. Your never really sure exactly how certain things are going to affect him but he pulls it off. A really convincing performance.
Paul Rudd plays something you just dont expect him to do. Its disturbing, but its so not him. Yes there are some funny moment he has which is the most light & shade we have in the entire film, but still its something i didnt think Paul Rudd could do it was very very good.
& then there is Justin Theroux. He is so disturbing. Like i watch a lot of films & okay im not a huge horror fan but i like horrible psychological horror so it does take a lot to disturb me & there were points where i was watching Justin & i felt extremely uncomfortable & it wasnt nice to watch, especially when he turns on the TV to the little girls room. I screamed at my tv you sick fucking bastard at that point. Thats when you know theres good acting.
Now im sure when Duncan cast Noel Clarke for the small role he has in this in 2016, he was like yea thats exactly what i want thats brilliant yes please. However now in 2021, watching the way he treats the women & other people in the film & his attitude… was he acting…. I mean im sure if i had seen this in 2018 id have been like yea thats good, now im sitting here going oh god no. That wasnt good to watch.
That carved bed is one of the most amazing films ive seen, especially in a futuristic sci-fi film where everything is CGI, it just made it more human & more relatable. I mean id have sex with however decided to carve me a bed from scratch, thats bloody beautiful. It just showed the art & love & compassion he had for the weird world around him.
How many second chances does he get in his bar job. I think 4 maybe 5…
You really didnt know who to trust in the film & who was actually being helpful & who wasnt. It really was revelation after revelation, which was at sometimes hard to keep up, you had to remember who everyone us or how it all linked. I mean it all paid off by act 3 when you realised Josie was his girlfriends daughter & That it was all linked. It was a slow burn to get to there, but it was good.
Its a good thing they were weird surgeons for either good or torture. I mean at the end of the day it saved peoples lives. When he shouts out while hes in the river bellow really was a yeaaaa he speaks moment. Also it was nice as that was the last time he said anything before he became mute in the first place.
Bodys in those vacuum bags…. not nice. I mean i know he loved her & was heart broken to find her dead & in that bag, but would you really hug someone like that, after they have been dead for about a week. bit weird. I know its a future Sci-Fi film but still.
When he refuses to save Paul Rudd that was actually sadder than finding out the girlfriend was dead in my opinion. As much as we had spent most of the film hunting for her, i got to know Pauls character much more, so really felt that he wasnt even helped in the end. I mean he did deserve to die, but still your bestie would help right.
Its nice that it gets a happy ending after all of that & that he & the girlfriends daughter have a relationship & bond between them. As much as Moon has a good ending, its not necessarily happy if you get me. This one being nice is wasnt expecting at all.
Is Berlin really going to look like that in 2065, thats pretty cool if so. Also where was he going to run off to. HE kept trying to leave Berlin, but never said where did he.
So its not Moon, i mean Moon is perfect so i dont think it was every going to get close to that. But i enjoyed the noir of it all & the Sci-Fi without being a Sci-Fi film. You also dont need to have watched moon to enjoy this film, but im not sure its something you would randomly stumble upon if you get me.
I enjoyed it & its twists & the fact it had 3 really good lead performances which all intertwined at the end. IT was very clever & good.