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Yesterday 11 August 2021, marks 7 years since the legend that is Robin Williams died. The man i always saw as my movie Dad. When he died my parents had gone on holiday without the two of us & my sister & i just sat in my sisters room & hugged & wondered if we would ever laugh again. The following day the world just seemed a little down & glum, & like it was grey because the great had was no longer here.

I have seen Robin Williams films since & had a cry, but ive made the conscious decision to not watch Mrs Doubtfire, as even when he was still here, the ending is so sad. So ive already had a good cry today at Grimmy leaving the radio, so one more cant hurt can it. Lets do this & say the tears are happy ones, when we all know they definitely arent.

I think i might type up the sad stuff first then i can just get it out of the way so sorry if there is no rhyme or reason to this, thats why.

When he stands in court at the end, after everything that hes done & how hes got away with seeing his kids & its all gone wrong & he is his own attorney & his closing statement is about how much he loves his kids & that they need each other & the judge just passes it off as an acting performance & the rest of the the room can see that he is falling apart & that its the first genuine thing hes said all film. That hurts. That really hurts, that he only going to have supervised visits going forward & how is world is just over & whats the point. Its beautiful & heart-breaking.

& then its not the fact that he gets to be the kids baby sitter & they ignore the ruling & they ae now all content & happy with their lives (shout out to mr bear, which was the name of my sisters favourite toy when she was that age, which made me cry even more) but its the fact that as their lives continue the TV is just left on with him ending his TV show talking to the little girl who sent the letter over, about how families are all different & how both her parents still love her & its not her fault that shes got caught up in it, despite thats being the exact thing he, his ex & his kids have been going through for the last few months. & then the sign off to her reply. All my love to you poppet, you’re going to be alright. Bye-bye. Even as a kid i used to think oooh thats sweet & shed like a single tear, but now as an adult with everything how it is & what weve all been through & then the fact its the nicest man in cinema saying it & you just wish hed taken his own advise that its gonna be alright, i sat & wiped away the tears for all the credits. Its heart-breaking but its so lovely & what you want anyone you care about to tell you. ITs perfect.

Right i need to stop crying now as ive just blubbed typing that paragraph & also my sister has just txt me to see how i am this weekend at the exact point i was typing about her. Lets talk the best bit of the film then. The swimming pool day. See just typing that has made me stop. My inner voice is laughing

yeah there are so many quotable bits of this film which i am sure i will reel off later, but the one that get me the most is the day at the swimming pool. Its out of his control entirely, its not his world & its interesting to see how is families behaviours changes & how he as a she is treated. & then the bar scene, where hes hidden behind the fruit basket after chatting up that woman & Piers is being a dick about the real him & he chucks the lime at him. & then his response to him. IT WAS A RUN BY FRUITING!!!!!!! Bloody love it. I always laugh my head off at that scene everytime without fail. ITs only what 7mins long in total, but its just brilliant & is just magical. As much as the dinning room is iconic its taken over by so much else going on, that throwing a lime at the guys head is just brilliant. You all would if you knew you could get away with it be honest. Brilliant.

Right lets return to some sort of normal review format now shall we (oh this will be a long one people im sorry about this, my fingers are off on one & so is my mind with things i want to say).

Robin is outstanding, he really is. Anyone who can make you laugh & cry that much in the space of 2hours is a genius & thats why its sad hes not here anymore. I mean the Raptor Wrap & all of that bit of the film was entirely improvised & in a directors cut somewhere theres an hours worth of footage linked to that. I want to see that, i really really want to see that. What a film would that be. I can just imagine the crew being in bits that day. Its like in Aladdin when hes at the bazar selling stuff as the intro. ITs wonderful & is him at his best. Take 5, take 5million your all dead…

Those kids are brilliant too. There are point where you think oh come on kids dont be like that, but they would be like that if they wish they could see their dad instead each day, they really would be. Thats why the reveal to the kids is so brilliant, that they go from being completely accepting her to wanting to take MRs Doubtfire out &then just being like oh god its dad & then having their own little pack to keep it shhhh. I love that. & also the line who did this to you, Uncle Frank & Aunt Max… wonderful.

That whole makeover part of the film is amazing. All the different songs & one liners that come out & all the different ladies he is. Proof that drag is a stunning art & shouldnt be over looked. I mean were not talking Ru, Shangela, Viv or Ella ( i bloody love Ella in & out of drag she is hot). But all those looks are just amazing. & the pride when he turns up at the door & goes can you make me into a woman & they both go yes at last thank god for that.

The phone call voices are wonderful. I love them & making them all so bad until he gets the right voice to get the job. & then later on in the film when its all the people who could have had the job first time around that are so crap compared. IT proves a point, they didnt need to go that far to find someone to look after the kids.

Brosnan as the new boyfriend was perfect casting for the 90s, he really was. He wasnt even Bond at this point either. Its so good & hes so suave & good looking & charming & tries to do everything to be accepted by those kids & be in their lives & yet because hes not Robin you just want him to fail. Everything hes put through proves hes not the best father or husband in the world, but yet you still want him to see his kids. the middle finger & stealing the top off the merc are highlights (we will get to the restaurant later).

Sally & Robin when they have their kitchen conversations as Mrs Doubtfire have such good chemistry & its really good & it is really soothing & cathartic for them both. They both get so much which was unsaid off their shoulders to each other. Its really nice to see. It proved they could be adults about it all along.

I would be pissed if i came home from work & my partner had been fired from his job (good on him though telling us smoking was bad in the 90s cheers for that{i do want to see that bird film though}) & had thrown a surprise party where everyone in town & the goats were there. Yea i think that would really piss me off too. As i kid that party looked cool, as an adult with my own bricks & walls, thats chaos, its hard enough having 5 people round let alone throw a kids party. She was right to lose her shit.

The guy on the bus flirting with her haha & then stopping the mugger amazing.

The montage of him cleaning the house & learning to cook & how suddenly that effects the real him & how it makes everyones lives change, thats really good. It sums up how contempt they all were in this new strange situation & that it just sometimes does work, especially after the early walls put up against her, where she makes them clean & then do homework. I have yet to set my boobs on fire cooking since ive moved out but i do have an induction Hob so… its hard to do that. Also my boobs are real & not plastic.

The social visit he gets is hilarious i love it. All of it. Its a distraction for a couple of minutes but its just amazing. From the meeting at the door to putting his face in the cake (good thing she didnt open the fridge on her visit). He gets away with it though.

The majority of act three is taken up by going to Bridges for dinner & having to have the two lives happening at the same time. He could have easily got out of it he really could have, but nah he goes to both & just makes the whole thing farcical but in the most charging way possible. I mean even saying to the potential new partner about her & if hes giving that he wants more than her heart. Its just hilarious & wonderful. & then he goes to the wrong table in the outfit & then the dash to save him after poisoning him with pepper, HELP IS ON THE WAY DEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE screams. & you think hes just about gotten away with it & his mask he slightly lifted up & you just think oh god. & her little voice & then the freak out by the rest of the party, while the rest of bridges are just like he hell just happened. & yet after all of that the two guys still shake hands of a natural understanding & respect for each other, knowing they actually would do the best for those kids no matter what.

Its such a fun story, its so much more than a film about dealing with divorce & new family dynamics. Its about seeing the good in people & being yourself & always just trying to bring the best out of people, even if it doesnt help you. Its a film about family & true values in life & love & thats something we all need a bit more of in life right now.

& thats my typing done. That is a long review my bad, actually no not my bad. Ive got through typing this in some sort of half decent state. That was hard to write at time but it brought back all that joy & made me appreciate how fantastic a film MRs Doubtfire is & how stunning Robin Williams is. ITs a work of art & i will never be afraid to sit here & watch this & cry my eyes out ever again.

Bloody miss you Robin

All my love to you poppet, you’re going to be alright. Bye-bye…

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