so we are in awards season which means i have to pick up my vieing game quite a bit if im honest & its all so early this year so its going to be hard to fit everything in before the oscars. but my sister & brother in law got me 6 months worth of netflix for my birthday so i have a chance of playing catch up yay.
So its sunday & noone else is bothering so i am watching Marriage Story. Cant have enough Adam Driver right?… im up for this & i cant wait to see if it really is that good a film.
Your favourite popcorn synopsis time
Charlie & Nicole are separating, they have been married for a while & have a son. After a couples therapy where Nicole refuses to read out her list of positives about Charlie, she heads to LA with there son Henry to film a tv pilot. There she meets a family lawyer & when Charlie comes to take his son our for the day serves him the divorce, even though they promised they would sort this out themselves. Eventually after going through a few difficult days with finding lawyers, meetings with lawyers, travelling between new york & la, & trying to sort his life out Charlie gets a flat in La to be nearer Henry & file for joint custody. After a court room show down doesnt go well Nicole goes to Charlies to discus the next steps where they decide to sort this out as mature adults but end up having a screaming match at each other. Charlie also has to deal with a liaison officer that comes to watch how he deals with Henry & has to go help Nicole sort out her house gates when theres a blackout & they wont close. They do eventually divorce without much hassle & Nicole celebrates getting 55% custody of Henry, where as Charlie back in New York consoles in friends & says his life will never be the same. The two of them eventually sort things out without lawyers. Charlie takes a job in LA to be nearer Henry & Nicoles TV show is a huge hit after she directed an episode of it. Henry finds Nicoles positives about Charlie & reads them to him, with her standing out of the way behind them, before then lovingly parting knowing they know they have done the best for there son & each other.
I need to talk about why i cried. Lets start with the welling up at the slagging match that was so harsh & horrific & i really did just want to hug them both but tell them to man up. Then when hes singing about his misery in the bar, that was super emotive & as much as hes trying to find the light side in it its still heartbreaking.
Then Henry with the letter oh god i was off i was crying & falling apart as the three of them were all doing the the exact same. It hurt it really hurt. & then the Shoe Lace at the end. Thats not actually because of this film, that was more Jojo & Taikas fault, but lets be honest it was scarlet again so of course i was always going to fall apart. Mum was like its not that emotional is it & i was just sitting there falling apart. If you see Jojo before this one i will come & give you a hug for this bit, you feel my pain i know you do.
When she is talking to Laura Dern about her life & why she feels her life is spiralling out of control, that is stunning. I just sat there watching that goin oh wow, this is something special. This is one of those moment that will live long in the cinematic minds of the academy….
…Until their sorting it out trying to be reasonable scene where they tear each other a new one & fall apart & he hits the wall. That is one of the best acted things i have ever seen. I mean i wanted to shake them both & tell them to man up & not be so whiny when you both still clearly love each other but cant stand each other. Just relax. Its brilliant.
That follows that court scene which was so awkward to watch. Like i was sitting there going, if or when i ever get married i do want it to be forever. This divorce thing (okay slightly more dramatised) looks horrific, i dont want any part of this at all. It was so horrible & made my blood boil & i just wanted to reach into my tv & shake them all out of this nightmare.
That social worker person can fuck off she did my head in, she clearly didnt get it at all. Im sure there are more compassionate people in social care & evaluation than that ( i know two people who are in a similar profession so i know they arent all like this woman) but there was nothing valid to her she really was just there to see the worst in people. Awkward in deed.
Some of the fancy dress costumes in this are brilliant. I want to go as all the beatles or the invisible man in future for parties. that must have been some of the best days of filming.
Why does everyone in LA become so obsessed with how much space there is to anywhere else? I dont get it. Every single person you met in the film, that was all the wanted to talk about. That & the fact no one walks anywhere? As someone who does commute to work but then walks all around town, i dont get it.
Its a beautiful & honest film about divorce & how people get in the way of it all & how some things distract you from your normal life & that we just need to stop & say things every now & then. If you have Netflix give it a shoot. You probably wont cry as much as i did, but you will really enjoy the honesty of it.
Whoever said theres to much Adam Driver around right now is wrong, you can never have to much Adam Driver.