Tom Hiddleston time, (oh & Brie) i didnt want a Horror to watch & i didnt want to see MCU so i was flicking through netflix & it came up with this. I remember this got slated at the time, but maybe time has turned it into a good film ( i say time probably what 4 years) or at least made it bearable.
Okay its not a good a film & thats me being polite. Seriously. I can see what they tried to do but it just doenst work at all. ITs in the wrong time setting, it was cashing in on the names to it & the Godzilla vibe & it just didnt work at all im sorry. Again ive said this as a positive, think that sums up how disappointed i was.
IT takes nearly 21 mins of the film before we meet Tom as the hero of the film & i know im a film nerd & can pick up stuff very quickly in films, but its quite clear that both he & his character have realised this is just a pay cheque & no matter how had he tries & how much he smoulders through the film, he is fighting against a bad script, bad CGI & a bad film. Bless him he tries his best.
Brie is not used properly either & thats a huge waste of talent. Clearly here to be the fem-fatal however, we all know shes better than that & she does everything to be more important that just a photographer, but it just doesnt stick as they keep putting her more in harms way.
The best person in this film is John C Riely who if your not really paying attention at the start of the film properly like i was, you wont remember is the pilot who got left behind 20 years earlier. Him turning up half way through is some light relief to people just getting killed off randomly & i am more invested in his story to get back home & see other people than anything else going on in this film. Im glad he does get to go home too. That was nice at the end of the film. So yea the guy i didnt even remember from the start of the film was the one i connected to the most, what does that say about the rest of the films character building.
Samuel L Jackson is always one quip away from saying i have had enough of this mother fucking monkey on this mother fucking island. He turns up & does what he does best be a bit dodgy issue orders & then die spectacularly & deservedly. It was a close call that he wouldnt but he met a very grim end.
Bombing the shit out of an unknown island is not the best way to enter a new ecosystem is it. Even in the 70s they would have known that. That helicopter scene took far to long & was really bad at points &of course all the key people make it out a live its a monster film. Some of the crashes just looked for the sake of it & it wasnt that spectacular.
We also get half way through the film & it turns into Jurassic Park/World (which ever you prefer just no Sam Neill or The Goldblum) Although Tom using a samurai-sword wearing a gas mask & that shirt rippling across his chest was a very nice surprise. In a really bad battle that was a lush surprise which lives in my mind rent free.
There were too many storys going on at the same time.
The natives story to protect the island
The soldier kill & blow up everything
The we just want to get home
The big monkey vs monster
& the fact it had to be a king kong film
It all just kept fighting with itself. I mean i know when they launched this film they said this would be a different Kong to the one we all know, but it struggled to find its way to even be a Kong film if you get me.
I am not bothered by a big monster fight at an end of a film, so when this happens im just like well i knew this was gonna happen so lets grin & bear it, but its not the best fight. I get that people do like this in films & i do like a finale show down, but i want it to actually be between people not CGI things that arent even there. A beam of light is fine or one green screen, but nah im not down for that. & of course we have to have the is Brie dead did he save her in time moment too. The monsters were very mid teenies they really were
Were they meant to have feelings for each other, because up until the end of act 3 at no point was that alluded to at all, despite them both trying to act there way out of this film to make it tolerable.
It was so set up for a sequel with the end credit scene but im guessing Tom & Brie just went fuck that, its not happening. Also this was set in the 70s & if its linked to the Godzilla stuff in like the 2030s theres gonna have to be a lot of films to get up to that point (ive not seen new godzillas im sorry, its not my thing). If they do make another one they both must desperately need the money.
So its crap, Tom smouldering & Brie & John trying their hardest is the only reason to watch this. So i want to know what big monster fans think of this film, & its flimsy plot & generic big monsters. Its not very good is ist?
Im glad ive seen it so i now never have to see that again.