No spoilers for this we’ve all lived it & are going through it. Infact this is just going over a few things that as a kid growing up with Britney i didnt realise was happen at the time & now feel really sorry for her about.
Now TV will be in my flat soon & i cant wait, but for now going to the parents to see bits on sky cinema or docs & the sport is good for me & them. The film i wanted to see was too long so i though ah lets watch that Britney Documentary shall we. My parents werent bothered about it when i put it on but by the time it was over id say my mama had watched most of it & was really shocked by it all.
As a millennial growing up Britney was everywhere & she was fabulous & i bloody loved her, even in my emo phase i kinda was like oh Britney is getting all depressing & doing epic videos now so shes still cool. You always felt in someway connected to Britney, which was why when her meltdown happened all those years ago you were really shocked. But now as an adult you can completely see why she snapped & i dont blame her for any of it at all.
This still happens to celebritys today, theres been a few examples in recent years where press intrusion & twitter & Instagram have lead to some celebritys taking there lives or asking for help with troubles out loud. We all just need to be kind to each other. These are just normal people living there lives too just in exceptional circumstance that people aspire too (i used that line at a job interview once for a celebrity PR company which is local safe to say i didnt get the job for some reason i guess they wanted me to go omg i love celeb culture). We should admire them & follow them but noone deserves that kind of hounding & pressure no matter who they are or what there back ground is.
Even at the age of 10 they were asking little Britney if she had a boyfirend… no no no how wrong is that. The slut shaming from Timberlake too just didnt realise that at the time either. so awkward & upsetting.
I though i knew alot about conservership & power of attorney & stuff like that but the way hers is being dealt with is just so bad & the fact shes just stuck in this loop now is horrendous & you just sit there & watch it & think holy shit this isnt right get her out now.
I love the #freebritney people & The podcasters i loved them they were amazing & really do love Britney & want the best for her. It was lovely to see the kindness of strangers compared to the madness that was going on earlier & that she acknowledges them.
Her ex assistant person who was a family friend was the person i liked the most. I think when people are famous having a normal person with you just brings you back to reality now & then. Everyone needs a bit of perspective in their life.
All of the jokes being made about her & those awkward tv interviews at time you really were just sitting there looking at her seeing the damage being done & just going stop now this is just wrong & not good tv then or now.
I loved how she made everyone wait for her Vegas announcement & Then just fucked off that was brilliant.
I still love Britney there will always be a place in my life for her & i love that this documentary doesnt hold back on how bad the celebrity life & how it really does effect people. Maybe some of us just arent meant to be famous & have 15 mins of fame. IT really can take its toll.