I’ve cleared my watch list, after 2 years of getting lots of recommendations from all sorts of people & reading about certain films, i couldnt actually find films i really wanted to see, so i cleared it at the start of march & added a few & then have been adding stuff as ive gone along. So i clicked on it & hit the netflix button & put on a search for an average run time & District 9 came up. I was after a bit of Scifi so yea, lets do this. Its always been something ive wanted to see but never got round to it.
so from the clips ive seen & the bits ive heard about this film over the years, its a documentary about aliens who live in squats as refugees who decide to have a war with the oppressors… that is what i was told or heard… It is not that film. It is a human film which is so important that everyone needs to watch. Especially our own british government right now with there planned asylum regime thats happening which i am so ashamed of. How dare our government do that honestly urgh, doesnt make me proud to be british.
So for the most part this film is a fake documentary about a group of government officials trying to get the aliens who have arrived on earth to move to there “new homes” from the refugee slums they live in by making them sign stuff they dont understand & evicting them or fighting them. Thats most of act one. & watching that it starts off with some dicks in the task force & the organisations that are pricks but lets be honest the main guy in it (Sharlto Copley who i will get to in a min) is just trying to do his job & mediate & explain that its not his fault its just his job.
at the end of act 1 he gets infected by some engine fuel which after passing out & after being ill starts to make him transform into the prawn alien they are. So then the government start experimenting on him until he escapes to the slums to try & find the last people he mediated with. Now i wouldnt put it past any government to start doing that to people, i really wouldnt & its not nice watching & you really do feel for the guy.
& then act 3 his transformation grows & they have to get some materials from the humans to save the & take their ship back home to get help, plus some other bad guys as well as the main organisation turn up & are bastards about the whole thing. The film ends not knowing the guys fate, but there is a prawn who can make origami like he used to for his wife, left in the slums waiting for the aliens to return who promise to cure him.
Sharlto Copley is brilliant in this. From the proud man happy with his job, to realizing he is just being used too, to the transformation & then the help he give & the the fact hes accepted even not as a full alien prawn. That is a lot to deal with in this film & he nails it & is so convincing. You really do feel sorry for him during the weapons testing that he has to go through & when they make him do. Its not nice at all. & then he has to wait after he does eventually help then to be able to help himself & that he gets turned into an alien too.
This isnt an alien invasion film oh god no, its a humanitarian crisis (something we see on the news every day at the moment) & its bloody painful to watch, especially when they think they are doing there jobs & they are just aliens who want a home. From the smear stories to the fact they are just classed as second or third rate citizens. Nah. Peoples are peoples, Peoples are Aliens. We are all the same, She He They Them I. It doesnt matter. At the end of the day we all get one life for sure & we need to make the most of it. Okay maybe watching films & typing about them isnt the most productive way of doing that, but thats my jam. The aliens could be anyone of us. I would liek to think if i ended up else where due to war or displacement that i would be welcomed by whoever meet me & be greeted. Thats why i get so pissed off with the world & how it is. We all just want to be happy & get on with our lives & thats what the alien prawns in this film wanted too.
I understand why there were the human traders in the slums, but honestly other than them thinking they can get that claw for there own benefit, i wasnt bothered by them at all. It was to add another distraction & a oh is this gonna be okay before we got to the real final showdown at the end.
The final escape is very clever. I mean the correct people rightly get there comeuppance, which is good. But the fight & the anger in having to wait all those year to be cured, i do understand that. He didnt like being an alien for 3 days (okay yes they were stressful) but imagine being like that forever. The alien only had a promise to keep to come back, out of loyalty, no other reason.
I didnt like the fact they all cheered when the ship left, what about the ones left behind now what will you do to them.
His father in law is one of the biggest dicks ive seen in films in very long time. Okay yes he had a job to but i wanted him to get more of a comeuppance that the marine guy.
As i said earlier, this isnt a film about an alien invasion, its about a refugee crisis & what makes us human or dancer… I really enjoyed it. At points it does become generic for its genre, but its got such clever themes & life lessons that i am 100% willing to over look that.
look after yourselves out there peoples & not peoples. To the girls, the guys, the they & i’s. We are all one lets all just remind each other of that & maybe the world can be a better place.