Okay its time for you to all sit here & go the hell again. Until tonight July 1st 2022, i had never watched Blade Runner… there you go ive said it. But tonight was classic film night so it was time to go back in time to the past to see how well they got the future which is now my past correct. I recon this is so gonna be my cuppa tea.
It was so my cuppa tea in every way imaginable. It really really was. I havent been this impressed with a classic film that ive not seen before in a very very long time. It was sensational & i cant wait to rewatch it again in the near future.
Cinema Sins (if you dont know them go find them on youtube {altho dont until your done with this read up please}) must bloody love all the stuff they can sin in this film, especially the narration & we interrupt this film for bits. But thats why it iconic everything modern films do is thanks to Blade Runner. Its just Blade Runner did it better that most films do now & this was the 80s.
Harrison Ford is so so SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good in this. I am so captivated by him & his story & trying to work out exactly where he fits with in this all (im sure an extended, directors or extended final directors cut will answer my questions) but for now for once i like having all those questions. & im hoping when i get to 2049 i can ask them & some maybe answered.
I actually felt sorry for the replicants. I mean i know there was the pre war we dont see on screen, but this new generation the ones that escaped (apart from the one who killed the tester) all seemed half decent & only wanted a whole life & more time to live, which is surely all anyone wants from life, to live for as long as they can. So for the 5 he killed, & i do get that it was his job to “retire them”, i felt for them, especially Roy & Pris who do basically get to their expiry date.
So predicting the future… pretty close. We dont have flying cars now, but face time, random adverts & visuals, those big arse building where the rich look down on you, bad weather. Yep got all that spot on. It only felt dated a few times when i was watching it, but because it was so progressive then it worked for the most part.
The score is mesmerising. Seriously. I had Goosebumps at time. It just oozed & was so lush & all encumbering. It made your ears go ohhh yes. I mean Han can currently do that at the moment, but this score is up there.
& ive not even got onto cinematography yet. There were moments i was watching this & i rewound a few seconds to take a photo of the lush shooting of the film & then realised about 20mins into the film i had to stop doing it otherwise it would become a 4h watch. The water running off the staircase with the lights flickering as we are in act 3… perfection.
I like the Owl, the Owl was cool.
Origami is still a thing. They got that right. Im guessing it meant more to it that i actually know. I’ve no gone down fan theory rabbit holes yet (again hoping it will be answered in the next one.) but the Origami was nice. Also that other cop guy says nothing for the whole film & then says something very profound. Beautiful.
But not as beautiful as Roy Monologue as his time runs out & he expires. I love that. I was sitting on the edge of my chair not drinking my cocktail going ooooh this is so well written & profound & not just for the sake of it. IT fits in with the rest of the film & just melts it away & puts meaning into everything. The rain helps too. Wonderful.
There arent as many chase or action set pieces as i thought there was going to be but they were all needed & one half caught me off guard & i was like ahhhh, it ended pretty shockingly too.
The tests are very interesting, i wanted more that the two that we really got. I mean the first was to let us know what was happening & would have been a shocking start to an 80s film. But the second a bit more info would have been good.
There is a point where a bit of consent would have been needed in 2019, had me too not happened in this universe?
I was glad the guy in the tall building playing chess got his comeuppance. He was the real villain in this not the peoples, not the replicants him. So when he was killed to start act 3 i was like oooooh this is gonna get good.
My issues with this film are as follows. First the fact he drives off out of all that madness in an almost normal car & its just like the normal 80s world outside. Just seems a little odd that after all that the film drives off into the 80s sunset. My other complaint is that he always finds a parking space & when he gets out of any vehicle there either only his in the shoot or theres no traffic but parked cars. I mean the flying bit was cool but that wouldnt happen.
See i nit-picking that about being the films complaint, its so small tho.
So i am so sorry Ridley that i didnt watch this sooner. This is wonderful & as a fan of the art of cinema, story telling & style, this held up in the 80s & the teenies. Its sensational & i cant wait to watch this again & 2049 now. WONDERFUL.
Im off to go attempt some origami now (who am i kidding ive got lego to build instead).