When you need something to get that horrific Ava film out of your mind, then a bit of the Pet Detectives will do wont it. I mean its very random & probably hasnt aged well but its on netflix & its 90mins of fun before i go to sleep in a bit. So its harmless fun.
Oh god as a “woke millennial snowflake” (thats what the rest of the world call us right) some of its attitudes are so horrendous & you sit there & watch it & go oh god no. I mean i didnt see this film as a kid ive seen it once in full in my early 20s & then the end a few times, but now im watching it & its attitude to transgender issues & the way its dealt with & the reactions to it are so wrong now. I know in the 90s it was played for laughs but there were probably people in the cinemas in the 90s watching this going oh god no how am i meant to come out. It also has really bad attitudes to mental health as well.
When hes attacked by the shark in the mansion that scene is now so dated with how they did it, but it is still funny.
No one else realised that he had all those animals in his flat. I mean yes hes trained them & sorted them out to hide but still.
Jim Carrey is good but lets be honest its whacky & weird & a 90s film so of course hes going to be good. I mean the rest of the cast arent good & are clueless about everything including Courtney cox. I mean the dolphin was the second best actor in the film, followed then by Dan Marino.
Im amazed no one else realised the the dolphin had gone & they kept it hush hush for so long, when Ruffus the Hawk at Wimbledon flew off there was a country wide hunt & when the Crystal Palaces Eagle died, the whole county was like oh bless (even Brighton fans i know) so how they would have kept snowflakes disappearance that quiet for that long baffles me. Maybe social media has changed the world.
No one in the police department takes being a pet detective seriously, however he still get a desk & can prove his case & talk stuff to them all & then they all just yell at him to get out & then ask for him when shit goes down. I mean you cant have it both ways police.
His childhood bedroom & parents are actually kinda scary for a kids film in the 90s or now for that matter, as an adult you can see all the traits on display here & what happens but as a kid thats pretty messed up.
Taking out & searching for the dolphin team of 1984 is a bloody cool montage & i love it, its my favourite bit of the film. To find the player without a missing stone on their super bowl ring, some of the stuff he gets upto to find it is mad but very funny. Also would there have been this much fuss about Snowflake going missing if it hadnt been super bowl week?
It is a very weird film, & i think if i had seen it as a child i would have more fond memories of it now & not realise how badly its aged. But Carrey is good & Dolphin survives happy days.
Just remember people laces out!