good on netflix for having almost the entire aardman collection on there. Its saving me going downstairs to go & find the DVD. Another british classic for you from Wallace & his epic dog Gromit.
Popcorn synopsis for you all.
Gromit is knitting at 2am when he hears weird noises outside. Its a van which after a pause moves off, however a little sheep has escaped out of it. The next morning during their breakfast routine, Wallace & Gromit notice things are not going to plan as they usually would with wires being chewed cheese disappearing & plants being eaten. They get a call to go & wash some windows in town, of a knitting shop run by Wendoline & her dog preston. Wallace trys to flirt with Wendoline but fails. Upon returning home, there house is ruined, only to find the small sheep that escaped has eaten everything. They use wallace’s new washer invention to clean him out but also shave him & knit a jumper. They call the sheep shaun & continue on there daily life. However Preston the dog steals the plans to the knitting machine.
The next day while wallace flirts with Wendoline, Gromit notices shawn has gone missing. Shaun is used by Preston to frame Gromit for the recent sheep rustling that has been happening & Gromit is trapped & sentenced to life in prison. Wallace somehow ends up with all the sheep that were stolen too. Shaun Wallace & the rest of the sheep eventually break Gromit out of prison after sending him a jigsaw with a message on it. While escaping the sheep are taken by Preston & he also takes Wendoline & threatens to turn them into dog food. Wallace on his Bike & Gromit in his side car which is turned into a plane, try to stop preston but preston takes back the sheep & Wallace as well & put them in his Knitomatic machine. Gromit eventually puts preston in the machine instead, which is when we find out hes an evil robot. Preston then turns on the mincing machine & everyone in the film except shawn is running for their life to not be minced. Shaun uses a weight & rope system to kick preston into the machine & save everyone else. Gromit then has all the evidence he needs to be pardoned. Wallace finally asks Wendoline out, but turns out she is allergic to cheese. Wallace decides to put his feeling aside & eat his cheese only for Shaun to be sitting in the Cheese bin instead, Gromit refuses to chase Shaun away.
I love that little sheep. Shaun is so cute & he has come a very long way from being introduced here. I love that even though they shave & then knit everything off him that when he is kicked out of the machine hes got a plaster on him & then that he gets the jumper. Its too cute.
I love how its normally Gromit thats the saviour of all these films but in this one hes the one being framed who needs the help. Its genuinely getting when he gets sent to prison. Doesnt matter that ive seent hsi film hundreds of time as a child, when those sheep & wallace are crying & looking at that poster its heart breaking.
I love how in the prison cell it says fathers was here. Thats brilliant & proper nerd moment. I mean not as nerdy as when Gromit says ive got patent pending on that machine.
Everyone including wallace all just suddenly accept that hes got about 40 sheep living with him suddenly & no one bats an eyelid because its Aardman & its just how it goes.
P Sherman lives at 42 Wallaby Way Sydney… not just because its australia & its stereotypes nope nope. Its because Wallace & Gromit live at 62 West Wallaby Street. Seriously look it up peoples.
No one check Gromits post in prison hmmmmm. Its bloody funny now as an adult. Its amazing. As a kid you kinda think aww a gift. You just dont get the irony.
That whole bit from Shaun cutting the prison bars to wallace being in the back of the van it brilliant. The near doom of Gromits impending death, to flying off into the sky shooting porridge at everyone, the formation of the sheep being like the red arrows for the reorganisation. Oh it brings a smile to your face it really does.
Stop motion soap & porridge must be really hard to do to make it look like you know its moving seamlessly & covering what it needs to. What an effort that is. So is everyone running on that treadmill at the end.
Oh its just a bloody good british film & the world would be a much sadder place without these two icons. They really do make us proud to be british. Go put them on right now peoples.