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I need to watch Endgame again soon so I need my parents to fill in the gaps in their knowledge before we go ahead with it. Turns out even though they have both definitely seen this film before, both of them have no recollection of it. Also neither have seen ant man & the wasp which they need to before Endgame so we are playing catch up peoples. Hopefully we can get to it before 2020.

Popcorn synopsis time for you peoples whoop

Scott Lang is out of prison yay, good for him. He cant seem to hold down a proper job though dueto his criminal record & his ex wont let him see his daughter Cassy, this is even more difficult as her new partner is head of police. Scott decides to go & move in with his friends who are all “reformed criminals” but ask scott to pull off one last job with them. After eventually grinding him down Scott agrees. They break into the house & break into a really old safe only to find a leather suit & mask in there not money much to everyone’s disappointment. Scott gets home & puts the suit on, thinking its weird & a bit busted he clicks a button on it which shrinks him to the size of an ant. After almost drowning he tries to return to suit back, but is arrested doing so.
While waiting to go back to jail a group of ants arrive with the suit & so does Hank Pym, the original ant man. He had previously worked for shield but left when they thought everyone could use its technology, his protogay in his own business Darren Cross is now trying to replicate this, & Hank is gettin his daughter Hope to spy on him as a company director. Hank wants Scott to be the new Ant Man.
With the help of Hank & Hope & the Ants & lots of convincing Scott eventually begins to control the ants to help him & learns there different ways & eventually takes the mantra of Ant Man after vigarous training, which includes breaking into the avenger base, having a fight with Falcon & stealing Shield tech. They need this to stop Cross, who believes he can now mimipulate the Pym particles used in the original makeup to make his own suit. Hank & Hopes relationship starts to break down when she thinks Cross is on to them, & says she wishes her mother was still here. Hank then admits that she didnt die in a car accident all those years ago & that they were on a secret mission to save america from a bomb & that Hanks wife made herself go subatomic in the quantum realm to disable the bomb but didnt come back. Hope forgives her father, knowing her mum died a hero.
Scott & the ants break into Pyms company to steel the new yellow jacket suit from cross, with Hank & Hope attending as the board members & Scotts criminal friends helping inside in the form of Luis & out with technology. However its all a trp to get the ant man suit. Cross announces he intends to sell both to Hydra & change the world, a fight then breaks out & Hank is shot. Scott takes out most of the hydra agents & Hank Hope & Luis escape via a tank keyring that Hank enlarges.
Scott catches up with Cross in a helicopter. Cross puts on the yellow jacket & The two fight causing the helicopter to crash. Eventually Scott is arrested by his ex’s boyfriend & they both realize Cross has gone to steel Cassy to get back at Lang. Scott & Cross fight on her train set in her bedroom & all her toys, eventually Scott realised he can destroy crosses suit from inside it. He shrinks to the subatomic size & destroys Cross’ suit but enters the quantum realm. Thinking he is lost & has no time or memory down there he eventually hears Cassys cries & reverts back to his normal size.
Upon celebrating their victory, Hank asks Scott how he got out of the quantum realm & if he saw his wife there, but scott doesnt remember. Scott & Hope start a relationship & Hope is given her own Wasp suit to help Hank retrieve his wife & her mum. Scott is pardoned by the police chief & Cassy is safe with her new pet ant which is the size of a dog. Scott gets a call from Luis about a new job, inrealsition the avengers break in. Turns out in the mid credit scene that Steve & Sam have finally found Bucky & need help sorting a problem out, Sam says he knows a guy that can help them out, sinuating that Ant Man is going to become an avenger.

Lets talk about the real star of the film shall we (& its not Scott). Its Luis….
Yea i know the hell but Michael Pena Luis & his whole conversations explaining how he got to stuff & his whole attitude is just brilliant. It really does make you smile when he is on the screen & you just think yes, this is a movie that isnt taking itself seriously compared to the rest of the MCU. I love the fact that he goes back to save that guy as well in HQ that he knocks out. Shows hes a proper human with his flaws but is good deep down.

Okay now we can move on to Paul Rudd’s performance. Yea that rather good. It does freak me out that the guy who uses Sex Panther is now an avenger & hasnt aged in 15 years. He is the perfect anti hero, because you do know that he will be screwing up ever now & then but it will be in the best way possible. Its also the fact that he isnt doing it to win his ex wife back its th fact he is doing it to get his daughter back & to life the new modern life & be happy. I mean that will never happen all the while the head of police is dating his wife, but you know.

The ants do take some getting used to if im honest, they do look a little weird & freaky at times, but im guessing thats the point. Like with Scott the audience have to learn to trust them & work with them. Which is why when he finally spins that coin after the huge Hank & Hope fall out its a proper omg moment. Although the saddest Ant moment is when Anthony his flying ant dies. Thats proper oh no. That then proves that you care for it.

It does take a while to get going this film, not even a trip to see the avengers picks it up & that fight, as its only Same (i mean the end credit makes it more important but when you first watch it your like why is there only one avenger here & not a main one) but its only when they break into HQ that you think oooohhh & everything comes together. From that moment it is some epic set pieces that just go from one to another right up to when he goes subatomic.

The Train Set fight is the best fight in the film it really is. Im not slagging off the briefcase thats stunning but the xero gravity doesn’t make it as good as the train set. I love that Thomas is so fricken huge as well & the Ant growing to that size & becoming their pet, thats just everything & makes the film what it is.

I like the fact that its not until the end of the film that Hope & Scott start there relationship, & that its all but gone come the sequel. We didnt need a romantic story line to go with this after everything we had seen recently. the core relationships are father daughter, which as one of two daughter to a father who loves watching these films touched by black heart. hopefully pops felt the same way.

As i said early the build feels a little slow here, it just seems like we keep treading on ground weve already seen in the film to get things going but then we go back again. How many times to Cross have to test stuff or be all nerdy about his yellow jacket before the break in. It got a bit much at the end.

When Hank is shot when i first saw this film, i thought he was going to die, & he was going to do the whole with great power comes great responsibility thing that uncle ben does. So when he survives its nice but it would of been more fitting for him to die or for his sacrifice to inspire scott that his daughter is the most important thing.

I love how the second end credit scene just sets up phase 3 entirely its just a huge holy shit moment & so worth sticking around for.

Its not the best marvel film & is a nice way to complete phase two. When you look at all of marvel as a whole you see exactly where it fits in & know why its so important, but as a one off, its not the best.

If you arent an MCU buff this will only be fore you if you like Paul Rudd & Michael Pena, & want to see what an ant fight would be.

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