So dinner board game & film night with more friends not the usual lot but when one says iv not seen Mulan before that changes things.
If im honest this was on in the background while we had dinner talked jungle book (next week peoples) and played sherlock cluedo. So wasnt full attention to it but some bits were still laughed at by all.
First of all Ming-Na Wen is Mulan (Agent May) OMFG. of course its her. She even kicks arse in disney. Yes Marvel is now disney but you get me right…
Eddie Murphys Mushu does steel the show though. Thats Panda, those letters, the fact he always causes trouble. Hes a donkey on the edge… He still has some of the best lines ever, dragon not lizard i dont do the tongue thing hisss, They poped out the ground like Daisy’s, & my favourite my baby girl is all grown up and saving china.
How did no one tell she was a woman for fuck sake? Ridiculous
Reflection & We are men are some of the most underrated disney songs ever. Properly epic.
Every film needs a montage even if its a cartoon.
Match making to bring honour… must mean iv never given any honour to my family then, lucky cricket too seriously.
It must be weird for general Lee or what ever his name was to all of a sudden develop no longer bromance feelings for Mulan but proper emotions & love for her. Also you dont actually know that they do get together.
Also shes not a disney princes she isnt a princes & if she married him it wouldnt make her queen.
Its an underrated disney film and im glad i kept half an eye on it but anymore and i think i would have taken it more seriously than i already have in this blog. My friend enjoyed it that hadnt seen it before and that was the main thing.
I do feel sorry for Peter Pan which im about to review as i took that far to seriously… lets see what i say