0 8 mins 4 yrs

I should not start typing this now at 1:30am but by hell, if i start off with my anger now, just to get this out of my system before i go to sleep, after what ive just read, on 4 October, then i need to. That makes no sense, i know, but im Angry. & i will leave this gibberish sentance on here, even when i re edit this before i post it, when i am calmer.

BOND got delayed again yesterday… urgh! great another one for the 2021 list to watch. & now i have just read that because Bond is now delayed the majority of UK cinemas will be closing at the end of next week including Cineworld, because they dont have a big film to show until late november… THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone’s got to be the first. Yes i know we live in a new world, but Covid isnt going to disappear, im sorry its not. We cant just keep delaying stuff because of it. Yes cases have gone up & im heartbroken for everyone whos lost their lives & been infected, but we cant live like this & not have the arts or events or the things that keep us going we need to return to some sort of normality & be normal.

Cinemas are safe. You are temperature checked when you get it, you sanitize your hands, you dont actually touch anything, you wear a mask throughout watching the film, you sit at least 2meters away from anyone. I have not had any problems since ive been back to the cinema. I know people are scared & dont want to go out to the cienma or a live event, however an event like Bond is the kinda film that will get people going you know what, yea i will go to the cinema, i dont want to miss that. It will be the bosot the county & the economy needs. People spending money, people are likely to make more of it by going out for dinner before or after the film. It will kick the arts back into gear & it will just be some escapism for a few hours from this hell we are all living in.

Are we all going to wait to have a vaccine before we go & see this film… if so Bond won’t be out til 2023…

Tenet proved that you can make money in the pandemic & its worth while. but no one else is brave enough to release a film. Next year when all the films come out they are not going to make a profit at all because people will pick one film to see a month & that will be it. Are the studios expecting normal people to go see Bond, Black Widow & Fast & Furious in the same month NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! THEY WON’T! THEY WILL NOT MAKE MONEY!

& when these films come out will there be any cinemas or theatres at all to show these films on because they have all been shut again for a few months… not just the chains but the independants too, who struggle to socially distance people anyhow?

I know its covids fault but someone’s got to say something & im not just typing & ranting at 1:38 in the morning (good i type fast when im pissed off ive done all that in 8 mintues) so im just gonna turn my laptop & blog off now, hope this is a bad dream & if not give you a milder response in the morning hopefully…. night lets see how i type tomorrow.

Its now 16:30 on 4 Ocotber… I awoke to my alarm this morning to a load of txts from my sister going have you heard the news… i didnt dream it. & ive been true to my word & not edited too much my initial rant last night. So lets be a bit more reasonable about this shall i (even though im still angry).

It is not Cineworld or Cinemas fault, it is not Bond fault, it is not my fault. IT IS COVID FAULT! I have now come to that conclusion. We have been asked to return to some sort of normality by the government, eat out help out, open the pubs, go on staycations, open the schools… & now that all the cases are rising & people are ill we are being told off. We cant live in doors for our entire lives & just watch netflix or your daily briefings. I understand we need to look out for each other & be safe & protect the NHS, but we did this for 6 months already, there is no end in sight & no idea when a vaccine will be found.

So give us the benefit of the doubt, let us use our common sense & decide if we are safe enough to do this. If you want to shield fine, but if you want to go & sit in the cinema away from anyone else with your mask on you can.

The arts really has been the forgotten thing in this pandemic, no funding, no work, no help they have so struggled. Yet what has kept us going during lockdown? Disney Plus, Netflix, Theatre performances on you tube… It has been the arts that have kept us going. Be it youve seen Tiger King, The Mandalorian or the Great British Sewing Bee they have been time to escape & relax & just turn off from the stress of it all. I’ve not even got to live music or sport at this point, which has also kept us going & is also suffering too.

I just want to go to my third place, my happy place & be happy & escape the world for 100mins a week, is that too much to ask? I feel safe in the cinema its my little world & the idea that now its back its going to be taken away from me again really breaks my heart. It was hard enough first time round, when we knew it was coming & i told my parents i was going to attempts to see as many films as i could in 24 hours & then the next day it was closed. This time theres no forewarning. MGM & Bond said no & now my safe space is going.

What a film girl to do peoples… Im going to really struggle peoples, but not as much as those members of staff who work for cinemas, or the film crews & set & costume designers who put films & plays together. Actors are the top end will be okay, but those additional artist & extras who looks after them. These people dont have any work & without them getting it whos to say they will be there when normality returns to make our fantastic content which makes us world beating in the arts & entertainment & live events.

Just think of that next time your watching Bake off or After Life or Enola Holmes, with out support for the arts & entertainment, we wouldnt have any of this.


Thank you for putting up with my rant. I needed to get that out of my system. Normal film blogging will now resume.

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