my parents have almost caught up with the MCU & i am so happy, we just need to do this & then i can share endgame with them & then they can cry with me & mama can understand why i fell apart after telling her everything that night. So yes lets Ant Man & the Wasp it peoples.
It’s a new year & its 2020 so new year new start… no more popcorn synopsis peoples. Sorry. if I want my reviews to be up quicker I’ve got to get shot otherwise my backlog will be madness I mean come on. If you want a synopsis go to Wikipedia. Okay it won’t be as fun as mine but you know… im not saying never but i think its time for the reviews to be up. Each synopsis almost takes 30mins to write each time.
So we need to address that Paul Rudd is the most unlikely superhero ever correct, & that AntMan is not the strongest set MCU films, they fill gaps in the timeline to fill in your macguffins to get you ready for the next epic ones (bit like the first 2 thor films & first captain america) but this doesn’t make them bad films, it just they dont quiet hit home as well as the others. Its like they are the light in our grey & black MCU. They are our sunshine to remind us that not all films have to be mean & moody & serious & in that respect Paul Rudd is the absolute best superhero to deal with this & is perfect. They do deal with set ups that you dont see coming quiet well.
Paul Rudd is bloody brilliant in this film her really is considering hes got a lot of sharing & exposition & bits to do he still makes it all his own & just nails it. & that is the sign of a good actor it really is. Despite all he sub plot & bits that are happening not involving him he is still the glue to this film… except…
Oh Pena steals the show as Luis… he always does especially when he goes on hsi rants & the whole truth serum oh man. Its a joy to watch & i do live for these bits in the films. They really are just so perfect & im typing this really quickly & its a bit all over the place just like him but you know its what hed want. Its just so good.
Evangeline is good so is Michael however they are too distracted to give proper superhero performances by trying to find there wife & mum that they lost the ruthless characters which were in the first film, unless they speak to Ant man. I know they need the quantum realm to be more of a thing here to set up endgame but its completely distracts it all a bit.
Our villain in this film is supposed to be ghost, but no shes not the villain & its not Foster either. & if im honest its not really the guy that wants the lab either its the fbi & the government for doing there jobs that is the issue here none of the baddys are true baddies.
I love that it is all about repairing your relationships with people this film & that almost everyone does it with who they want & it all work out. It then hurts even more knowing that so many of these people are likely to have been snapped away & there relationships may not be the same again.
When shes channelling through Rudd from the quantum realm is brilliant i love it i really do especially all the mumsy pumpkin references, its proper what your mum would say to you stuff.
The ant mimicking him is crillaint that would so be a thing in the MCU that would happen & the fact he almost get caught is brilliant. & then cassie covers good girl.
Cassie is a bloody cool MCU kid i mean who else is gonna give you a trophy to be the worlds coolest Grandma. I mean its useful late because its where Scott has hidden his original Ant man suit too. Thats bloody brilliant why didnt i see that coming at all.
I get the hole measuring sizes thing i really do but as a strong independent woman, it honestly does nothing for me at all i am like hope whenever they go into that, im just like it was clever first time but do we really need to keep doing this over and over i get the joke now. It is bloody cool when he comes out the see though.
That being said its funny when hes little Scott too. That really made me chuckle for quite a long time looking at that more than it should have.
Okay lets talk about the thing you all want to discuss that mid credit scene. Oh it was all going so well & the exposition & the time frame & what he needed to do to get out but oh man that snap & the fact they are all gone all 3 of them, that hits hard. That was not a nice snap. IT was nice that it waited all that time to do that snap & properly link it so we know that the quantum realm will be a big part of endgame. Its bloody good how marvel do that to just suddenly tie it all back in. & then the fact the end credits is just the ant playing the drums while the emergency broadcast is on tv wow.
This film is a better film after you have seen endgame no doubt about it, the link to that makes this so much more than it initially is on a first watch. However there isnt much ground breaking stuff here to shout home about.
ItTs a good film, im not saying its not, it makes you smile & laugh which we sometimes to miss on all the new MCU dark drama, but if you want to laugh at a MCU film, put Ragnarok on instead. If Antman was in his own universe & not the MCU this would get much more praise than it currently does.
I still want a third film by the way disney.