Spoilers well not really actually
Those of you who have been around long enough will know i reviewed some of this film here Link to Sofa Viewer from June 2015, so this could make things interesting for you all.
Film night with the girls started off with Magic Mike XXL but it wasn’t my DVD so im not reviewing it peoples sorry. Well not yet. So we then went through my films & after everyone complained that i had too many films i said oh should we just put this on & everyone went oh yes. cue fellow DJ quotes for the next 90mins.
So im now going to try & review the bits i missed out from last time, as smoothly as i can without trying to repeat myself.HMM
The house party they go to with the orgys & sex party, especially when he claims to have shagged the girl. She ends up all over Kevin that night, without actually doing anything. His public humiliation is brilliant, how bright red does he go. But then it comes round full circle as, when he becomes the hero at the end of the film, she is busy saying to everyone that she shagged him before he was famous.
Stopping the bank being robbed with an erection is just so wrong but so fits the film & the set up.
Why did they turn up in those fucking coats???? why seriously guys i know your meant to look cool but as Jay says in the inbetweeners whenever he gets off a plan god its fucking hot, too hot even. Yes it was the 90s but still.
I like the fact that all the extras in the clubs & partys are all the film crew & directors thats brilliant. That being said Paul Whitehouse & Steve McFaddens Cameos are cool too especially when their parents try to get into the club. & then oh the embarrassment of them shagging on the video.
Shitting in the sea ewwwwwwwwwww
I saw a really interesting lizard, yea wheres the lizard then Perry.
Apart from the you are no longer my fellow DJ line the quote of the film has to be, sorry Mrs Patterson but can i have a jam sandwich please.
The fact this is being review twice on here must mean its a good film. I still smile when i watch it. It really is a feel good holiday film. Thanks lads & thank you all for putting up with two reviews of the same film.