Spoilers like seriously this review has spoilers please avoid it if you don’t want to know.
There iv said it you’ve been warned.
So it’s been 5months since the force awakens was finally given to the world the 7th episode of the story. The hype gas now died down, although not really as today is Star Wars day #maythe4thbewithyou & it’s now out on DVD. So all those months on is it still as good?
Yes yes it is probably better as you now know what’s going to happen & are prepared for it all.
So for those living in a cave on tattoine here’s a brief synopsis. Luke has gone missing the dark side & first order want to destroy the republic & the rebellion all before they find Luke. Meanwhile there’s a rouge storm trooper, a girl on a planet waiting for her family & a little droid carrying lots of information.
And without spoiling it that’s all your going to get last chance people please stop reading now if you don’t want to know what happens.
Good were clear let’s get going. Especially im going in with a big one.
We are still in shock over the Death of Han Solo, didnt see that coming at all. When we were in the cinema watching it, when he walked to that bridge i thought they were both going to die or fall & that Kylo would save him, but no full on darkside horrific death. IT was fitting though Harrison Ford was on fire what a farewell performance for Han he will go down the true hero of the film forget Ray & Finn, Han is king. His sly remarks & jokes, throw back to the original with trash compactors & thats not how the force works. It was the perfect performance.
BB8 for months i sat at home & said i want a BB8 & my sister had moaned & sadi oh get over it. Now she wants one & so does everyone else, hes a sarky little shit & i love him. Hes so conflicted with Finn, but loves Ray & especially Poe, which is so sweet when he almost knocks everyone over to get to him. Him & R2D2 will cause trouble in the next one i can see it now.
But the bit of the map he had was the end of the path to luke so why couldnt anyone work it out WTF!!!! big plot hole there.
Mark Hamill made £2mill a second he was on screen for WHAT!!! i want that job, it a brilliant opening line though Luke SkyWalker has vanished. Automatically before the next paragraphs your hooked. I was worried they were going to change the start glad JJ kept it.
JJ is the king of lens flares, there were some completely epic & amazing ones in the film especially when that plant sends out its beams to destroy the republic. Dont go to live in the republic people.
Im glad Kylo unmasked. It used to be villains were evil as you didnt see there face, but by doing that made him scarier. Theres a face to this evil & we should all hide. Especially when he kicks the shit out of that screen & those storm troopers turn around & go the other way like no not me bye bye.
The cameos were amazing. Daniel Craig getting brain washed by Ray to let her out, and Chris Hemsworth fighting Finn. now they are classy storm troppers. & Simon Peggs Junk yard alien he was cool.& the kid from love actually & thrones who gets blown up. There are a load of other people who were also storm troppers but i have no idea who was who. heres hoping some of them have gone to watch Hartlepool today.
Domhnall Gleeson is going to be winning a fuck load of oscars very soon, he is just an epic villain, i love him so much. Andy Serkis too needs one, weve got lots of development still for these too.
punch it chewie
Ray is a bit to perfect, yes we still need to know who shes waiting for & whos her parents & why? Its too obvious for her to be Lukes daughter, im with my sister that she is a kenobi. But other than that theres no real development for her going forward.
Finn on the other hand is epic. he may become a jedi he seemed pretty nifty with that lightsaber. Hes also got to know about his family, and if he really has defected. He does have a point though, why does everyone want to go back to Jaku???
One of the best lines of the whole film was iv always wanted to fly one of these. everyone has be honest here people, weve all dreamed of flying that & the millennium falcon.
Basically you have to watch this film to appreciate its true amazement. ITs more than just a remake of the original its so much more than that. Sorry theres no real strand to this review but ive just typed as i remember what i love about the film.
Chewie were home & so is Star Wars, back to the glory.
May The Force Be With You