Spoilers? Well maybe
This is one of my favourite childhood films. I think it’s made better by my memories of the Peter Pan ride in Disney land, which is one of our favourite family holiday memory’s. Mum once said she thought it was one of her perfect moments.
The boy who doesn’t grow up abuses adults steals children & smokes drugs.
yes good film plot really lol it shouldn’t work but by god it’s brilliant.
Why is their dog a nanny? WTF? & they just went out without anyone looking after there kids at all not even the dog as they left her outside.
Also how old is Wendy supposed to be? I know it’s Victorian time but if Michael’s properly talking & understanding he’s 3 which should make John 7ish so Wendy is 9 minimum? So why is she still in a nursery?
I dont blame Tinkerbell for being jealous at all Wendy is a bit winy all the time and really does get on your nerves at points. Tinkerbell is the ultimate queen of disney films which is now kinda ruined that she talks in the new films, but she is amazing.
She also has a moment when she thinks she is fat and body shames herself. Yea brilliant message for little girls.
She does make the ultimate sacrifice to save Peter & thats why shes the best.
How do you find the second star to the right, at which point to you go well thats the first star, so the next one on the right is correct for neverland. Also surely no amount of magic dust will save them from leaving our atmosphere, also how do they know they are going to be able to breath the air when they get to Neverland?
The pirates wanting to slit throats shoot people & singing about the life of a pirate is short is a bit much for kids, but maybe they just didnt notice it and just thought as them as funny baddys, especially with cannibal cove.
If Wendy wasnt there Peter Pan would die 17 times without her yelling out Peter look out. Altho she did try to kill the mermaids, who deserved it but id try to drown her to. Also what do the mermaids want with Peter? They know hes never going to grow up, to be a man so why the flirting. Same can be said for tigerlilly.
Red Indians seriously thats what you are going to call them? Ok on your head be it oh & make the sexist too why not.
I do love that crocodile. He is so sarkey. But he never properly eats hook, he should just get on with it.
What kinda pirate has limited rum & holds a grudge against a child and doesnt go after a child.
Its very sweet at the end that the ship flys & goes over london. However its now turned to gold so surely it would sink??? no just me
Despite all of these negatives its still one of my favourite disney films. Im going to say top 5 maybe. It does put me in a happy place, and we will always have that family trip to disneyland to make it more magical and nostalgic.