The story & Film that could have done & been so much more than it was. It had so much potential but just wasn’t well received.
For those who haven’t seen it quick synopsis. David Rice nearly drowns & ends up teleporting to survive. At the age of 14 with no real role models he runs away & robs banks & goes around the world. One way his life catches up with him when an organisation who thinks only god should have this power track him down in order to kill him.
I love Hayden Christiansen but I think the film would have been more of a success if Jamie Bell was the lead. Hayden would have worked better as the badie & rebel. He still give a brilliant performance as the hero & lead it but you know.
Maybe it’s because your more interested in Jamie Bells Griffin as he’s more mysterious & you don’t know enough about him. He’s a proper antagonist an anti hero who your not entirely sure what he wants.
Rachel Bilson is okay I guess she’s a good damsel in distress but she didn’t really need to be. However her performance is better than Kristen Stewart who’s in the film for 5secs but is busy being moody & getting ready for twighlight.
Samuel L Jackson is always a good baddy. It’s almost like he’s getting his revenge for star Wars… spoiler. He could have been a bit more sinister tho, at no point did I think any of the three heros were going to get caught or die.
I know they have a machine to follow the jumpers but there are some points in the film where they follow them quickly with no jumping happening & still get there really quick.
Why did he leave an iou when he robbed the bank & why did the police not use DNA to find him.
It’s a brilliant joke about taking 8hours to get to Rome. It’s kinda gets lost really.
The fight between David & Griffin is good. I know they fight in all the jump spots so far, but they could have done a few more different one.
The coliseum was really good & cleverly done. Guessing they didn’t actually use it hit it was still good.
It’s left far to open for a sequel that didn’t happen either, which is a real pain.
I do like this film. It does just need some mending to it & maybe make it a bit darker. Good film but needs to be sharpened up.