Spoilers well not really but I have to put it it’s more spoilers for 5 year olds
I say this as when I was 4 my parents brought me this film on vhs as a thank you for being a good big sister to my new little sister. We all sat & watched it & both my parents cried & it kinda freaked me out. I know understand why.
Let’s address the main issue with the film. Belle was suffering with Stockholm syndrome. Correct? When you think about it that way the film looks very different.
Maybe you do agree with Gaston to be scared of them & see him as a threat. You know the beast captured people & locked them in a tower & lived a sheltered outcast of a life.
The other bad thing is the whole town in talking & singing about belle behind her back & saying its bad for a woman to read think have ideas & be different. That’s not a good message to little girls who are the main audience of this film.
How old was the prince when he turned the woman away like 12 13? Most of the 12 13 year olds I remember from that age wouldn’t even have answered the door let alone helped. So this makes the woman mean for turning him into a beast. He then has until he’s 21 to find his love which is odd.
Also did he have no parents? Who left there son alone in the castle without going back to see him for like 10 years. They are the ones responsible for not bringing him up properly or helping him with the transformation.
Why did everyone else in the castle have to suffer to? It’s not their fault.
Be our guest is one of the best songs in the history of Disney, once you hear it at that dinner table it’s just stuck in your head.
The beauty & the beast song is awesome, the song the dance the cinematography no wonder it won an Oscar for it & was the first animated film to be up for best film. Only toy story 3 & up can boast this honour as well. It really was ahead of its time for this kind of work.
The wolves on the other hand are poorly created & didn’t offer to much of a threat. You know even as a child they didn’t scare me.
The beast transformation back to Adam is cleaver.again for its time outstanding now it is a bit dated but you know.
This is a brilliant family film, which when you look back at now your older was wrong in places & makes you question the message. Yes love the person on the inside instead of the out but still. It is a classic & every child should watch it.