If this film bombed at the box office or if they did kill Off Tony Stark, does that mean the MCU doesn’t happen? No Thor no Avengers no Shield… Just think about that for a minute
Yes the MCU & all its films & shows start here a random superhero no one has heard about, which ends up changing cinema forever.
Robert Downey Jr nails Tony Stark perfectly, you really do believe he’s a spoilt brat who inherited the world from his dad & never really worked for anything. You want to hate him but knowing he’s the hero & there’s worse villains you cheer for him. Despite every instinct telling you he’s a complete twat & needs to learn a lesson the hard way.
Jeff Bridges is a fantastic anti villain who turns full evil. You always know he’s a bit dodgy but, you don’t realise until about 90mins in that he is the architect of all of this. It is properly evil & amazing. It does beg the question why did he leave all those files on his computer & make it so easy for pepper to get a hold of.
Gwenthes Pepper is a bit soppy & I have no emotion for her. Yes in theory she saves Tony twice by proving he has a heart, but she spends the rest of the film moaning & complaining. She should have seen this coming years ago working for him. She has herself to blame.
Clark Gregg shows up I dunno who he is or who Phil Coulson is going to be but I think he’s going to be a big part of my life. After all Tahiti is a magical place…
I do like the fact that Tony Stark is just blatant in the fact that he is iron man & just doesn’t give a Shit about it.
The fight scenes in the desert are amazing from Tonys escape, his revenge & the villain reveal. Its not quiet as cool as the main finally though.
I love the fact that his first flight is so catastrophic & that his robot keeps trying to extinguish him. They are his real family really he loves them more than anyone else, especially Jarvis. Such a bit part but Paul Bettany nails it.
I’m so glad this film was made & started my obsession with Marvel. It’s a good stand alone super hero film that doesn’t take itself to seriously. Ok it’s no The Dark Knight but it really did change cinema. Weather it’s for good or bad is your choice.
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