Lets get back on track with the Bond films should we number 2 of 24 (only 3 weeks omfg). I’ve not tweeted along to From Russia With Love but Blogged along, for notes lets see if you all agree with the points ive made.
Those eyes I want that cat. Its also sitting perfectly steel and giving evils to everyone, Mr Bigglesworth has nothing on him
It’s been 13mins & web still not properly seen Bond yet. Yep it took 17mins for him to appear on Screen, the first 5mins are a fake Bond who is murdered.
CCCP Oh memorys
Bloody Russians
SPECTRE!!!!!!!!! Cos The Writtings on THE WALLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!
Suitcases filled with tear gas Bond probably would love that now, would still work today, but id always open it the wrong way and get blinded everytime.
Throwing hats
Bad tash & hat & green screen still were green screens that bad in the 1960s seriously
Family payroll in Turkey with wealth will never end well will it. Do these family’s never learn. Nope didn’t end well bad bomb.
Like hotel check in is that quick even in the 60s It took Bond all of 10 seconds to check in seriously micky take even for then
Tapping the phone so retro with the actual detector bit
Does that guy actually say anything?
Those were the worst donkeys in the world Modern Bond should have more Donkeys dont you agree
Gypse screen is now so politically incorrect & sexist
Did he seriously say her mouth isn’t to big it’s the right size for him…wtf a bit much
I hope your not too disappointed… I will tell you in the morning… Slag & then they film them oh God that’s a bit much for Bond
Yea let’s meet in a museum that’s not at all suspicious or odd & let’s leave something that Tom Dick or Harry could find & pick up. and they he gets killed???
None of these spies or assassins were very subtle were they in the 60s
Omg that tapping radio going back to London how large & their equipment too
Russian clocks are always correct… Bang Thats why Jack Bauer always knew where they were Bloody Russians
Did Indy borrow those rats for his third film thousands of the buggers.
he met this girl like 3 days ago & she’s fallen in love with him wtf After all James Bond is Dr Jones dad
Bloody trains why does bond always go everywhere even now via train?
James your hurting me… He hardly touched her
Is that train really going from Istanbul to London Turns out it wasnt
How many sons did that guy have 400 I mean I know he was a man of tastes & many lady’s but come on
Well that wasn’t at all suspicious. When the bloke whos the Russian guy whos been shadowing Bond throughout the film takes out the British guy at the station, and he just followed him
He speaks at last
Bet he’s gone, no he’s going for dinner what.
This Russian bloke has an amazing acent.
It’s taken 1h 25m for him to realise it’s SPECTRE that took a long time The new film is called it so its not going to take long to work that one out
Sick to think of a plan like that… Nope that’s still life now not a sick plan unfortunately
No one else on the Train heard that then at all mace bombs broken glass & gun fire. & I know she’s drugged but she’s sleeping through this violent fight.
I’m never getting on this train ever again. Like 4 people are dead on it
so yea get a florist to break down at 5am & escape in his car that’s legit & plausible
That’s not Russia or anywhere eastern europen that bloody Walse. & that’s a reservoir too
What he needs is an umbrella to scar birds into the path of the chopper.
Surely if they hit him they die too… To quote Tony Stark… Not a great plan
So the helicopter just happened to land on its feet & blow up stationary one it had bit the floor, hmm not convinced
Brilliant dieing by number 5 not quiet Alan Rickman level but still good
Boat chase wouldn’t be retro bond without it.
They are worse shots than storm troopers.
There goes the fuel he mention 5mins ago for no reason. Kaboom oh & the flairs too of course
All ways tip house keeping never not do it
Oh theme song at the end of the film.
Did he seriously wave good buy to the reel of film.
Right thats that, not one of my faves but still its better than Moonraker isnt it, possibly even better than Quantom.