Its time. Its bank holiday monday night & i just want to laugh at something & not concentrate on a tv show. Ive just completed thrones season 5 so i do need something very chill. Its time for Anchorman. The best comedy film ever made. Lets do this Baxter.
This was probably the first film once i had stopped being a kid & watching all the animations, that i binged. We had got sky cinema. & 14 year old me was probably like what is this thats constantly being shown on the film channels & it just became iconic & by my 8th watch in a month i probably quote it word for word & so could my sister. Yes to sky cinema thank you thank you thank you.
This is more a love letter than a review so good luck with this people, my fingers just got carried away. Its not my fault i adore this film so much.
I have a plan one day to go to Milwaukee, pick up the phone & call my sister & my parents & literally go WOOF WOOF & then hang up the phone & then leave…. yes i am that person, i am the kinda person who wants to do that. I dragged my dad to 415 71. Of course i want to do that. Its such a small little throw away line for lots of reasons.
1)he thinks baxter is still alive (Baxter is the dog by the way)
2)that he could use a phone
3)that he knew his phone number
4)that he would understand ron
5)that he knew he was in Milwaukee
& 6) that he had actually got to Milwaukee
That is a lots of random stuff to happen. I love it. So yea thats the dream to do that one day. I will make it happen.
Every single thing that Ron Burgundy does is spot on but also so atrocious. Its perfect. Will Ferrell owns it. The supporting cast is phenomenal, but he just is the star. The film wouldnt work with anyone else as the lead he just bosses it. completely. It is a whole cast piece but Burgundy well he is classy.
Also Paul Rudd is ageless isnt he. I know Brain Fantana is sleazy & so 70s that its bad, but if sex panther is as good as that, maybe we should all use some. I mean its also such a throw away line that its worse than the time the racoon got stuck in the copier… THATS JUST A THROWAWAY LINE IN THIS FILM! Thats how funny it is.
Obliviously everyone adores the news fight. Its insane. The number of people who turn up for it. I know they do it larger & grander in the second but this is the OG. Ben Stiller has only of 3 lines & runs off. Its just ridiculous & i love it so much. We still have no idea where Brick gets his hand grenade from, the man on fire, the arms being chopped off you can now clearly see happening, but you still laugh. Its all of 5mins in the film, but Will was like get me all my friends so we can have some chaos & fun for a day on set. Must have been a nightmare to film, but also so much fun. Thats why it still stands to this day & obviously is now the well that escalated quickly meme.
Jazz flute… Jazz fucking flute. Oh no im not prepared. It works though it has Veronica wanting more. Its so good. I mean sometime you just gotta say when in Rome.
This could never be up for a best screen play award at any awards. So much ad-libbing & craziness. Which is shown by the opening of Ron & his different new intros & then the bloopers at the end with the alternatives for scenes too. Crazy but o enjoyables. I also this this maybe one of a very small number of burt reynolds films ive ever scene just because of the credits.
That opening party, crazy, but so of the time & so what men would have said to women at the time. Just wrong & so cringe now but in the 70s would have been accepted. Thats why Veronica is brilliant. She puts up with no shit at all & gets her dream job & man in the end.
The sex scene is weird, but describing life as the song afternoon delight, inspired. This film was how i was introduced to that song & i love it. What a song it is & the way they all harmonise & even pause chat & then go back to it. Perfect. It makes it so good.
TITS MCGEE!!! My mum has a joke with a friends of here where they randomly if they dont know who someone is will call that person Tits Mcgee. Hehe!
When i first watched this all those years ago i was wondering why they kept talking about the auto cue, but then when he actually say GO FUCK YOURSELF SAN DIEGO! i was like say what. It has lost its impact after countless watches but i do still always laugh at everyones panic as he says it. & Veronics face as well like oh god you did say it. But she did deserve some revenge after that fight & the way he treated her. She really did. Good on her. Ron macing himself iconic.
MILK WAS A BAD CHOICE! I think im doing so well without just quoting the entire bloody film here. Especially anything that comes out of Bricks mouth.
The ending is weird with the bear fight, but i guess they had to get all their tangents together. But i love how they are all in the same bar he is & they reall yhave been there the entire time. Also the quick change was actually how long it took them to give him a new wig take off the jacket & straighten the tie.
We never know what kinda baby that panda has, its been the mcguffin for the entire bloody film & then we never see it. but i love that Baxter comes & saves the day after being assembled. also Wes deciding not to kill him & push him back into the bear pit is good. I always spell redemption RON. Love it
Its so well acted, even the extras & the stupid people in bits, from the little girl having a go at him is brilliant to the guy at the bar & the people watching the TV. I mean Seth Rogan is a fucking cameraman for two scenes. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. It all just feels right. I mean even the 4 square rubix cube & telling the nun to watch hardcore porn… it all just makes sense so much.
Did i need to watch this film? Could i have watched it on mute? could i have left the room with it on mute for 10mins & come back in & known exactly where it was going to be? absofuckinglutely. Its iconic. I adore it & yes it does now look a little dated, both for the era its set in & from 20 odd years ago nearly, but it still makes me smile & laugh. Thats why its my 5th favourite film of all time.
Stay classy peoples.