Spoilers… well not no really… if you are reading this you lived through the pandemic…
So this film obviously in 2020 had a resurgence. I’ve always owned this film but never got around to it, but tonight im feeling a bit of Matt Damon that ive not seen before so it was a toss up between this or good will hunting. It landed on heads so here i am ready to watch this & see what they thought & how much of it they got right… never a sentance i thought id ever have to type.
So yea to a certain extent they did get a lot of this right. & maybe thats why the film didnt have a big an impact now after going through a pandemic ourselves. You sit there & when the shocking things happen you go yea that happened or yea thats similar. Okay yes some of it is more over the top than it actually was considering what i saw here, but still it got it right. I can imagine this being much more like the hell in 2011 when it came out.
I like the fact that we kill off patient zero straight away. I mean that did happen in real life. But it could have been so easy to save more of that family & those first infected, other than Matt Damon. It was refreshing. I also really like the flashbacks & how they were used to try & work out where the outbreak came from. It was so clever.
I understand why Matt was so cautious in this & protecting all he had left, but i did keep sitting there going why did we keep going back to him when there wasnt much more for him to do. & then the end which goes back to the beginning that its there company that displaced wildlife which caused the infection which then just happened to go to his wife while she was out there on business. I love pay off like that. Its epic when they do happen like that. Just so well worked. Youd completely forgotten that we were after the source of the infection & then bam right at the end.
He also goes out & goes all over the place but her boyfriend cant come round to visit even to make snow angels.
I had no idea Jude law was in this film at all. I love how he ended up being the conspiracy theorist exploiting the pandemic & people by getting air time he didnt need. It was brilliant & he was so good at it. I mean it always good to have a brit to distrust in an american film (i say that as a brit by the way). But he had one of the most important lines thrown back at him in the film, one that i’ve heard before but never realised where it was from. Blogging isnt writing, its graffiti with punctuation! Thats the bloody line & i was so happy when i was said out loud in this. & on that note thank you all for reading my Graffiti with punctuation (well it sometime has it), its much appreciated.
Kate Winslet is the person i felt most sorry for. she did everything fucking right & was setting stuff up & finding sports halls & conference centres for emergency beds & sorting stuff out & what did she get for it, a mass burial. urgh. That fucking hurt so much. She was a real hero in this trying to keep as many people safe as possible & yea she died. Even in her last few hours while that guy was cold next to her she offered him her coat. It just hurt so much. That really hit home. So many didnt get a chance to say goodbye & were just buried or cremated with no service or memorial. That hurt. & running out of body bags as well.
Injecting yourself to see if the vaccines work, that was bloody brave. I mean i am very proud of all the vaccine makers & the volunteers who boosted us all in real life they are heros. But for that person in this film to go nah im gonna risk my life as its much more worth me dying than another 2million, by testing this. Good on her & then when it came to vaccine day she was working on data for the next batch instead of being applauded. Thats a true hero.
At least we didnt have the mass looting & robbery’s & riots that were in the film. Okay we did run out of toilet roll & soap & pasta, that was a weird 3 weeks. Maybe being brits we were just all happy to queue at 2m apart to get our food. Also when you saw anyone in the film they all stayed at home but the second anyone went out they werent socially distancing at all.
Its really weird that Matt as he is immune is the only person without a face mask, thats freaky. You had to be really exempt for that to not be the case. It was very odd indeed.
Home Prom, yep weve all done that.
The lottery for the vaccine, well well well. Thank god ours was a bit more organised than that. I mean it was still a happy hunger games thing, but still. They didnt just randomly go, everyone born on April 5 gets the vaccine day one, day two November 12 etc. That did feel very weird. As much as i was a bloody long way down the list i am very glad that out order happened & that they got through everyone very quickly. When am i getting my 4th dose?
WHO!!!!!!!!!?????????? I will stop that soon. I promised i was once Covid wasnt a thing anymore. Maybe next year….
I understand you want the vaccines but kidnapping that women was a bit much from WHO wasnt it. Although i was with her when she left the airport to go tell them it wasnt a vaccine but a placebo. The bastard. How fucking dare they. After all that.
Im glad our vaccines didnt go up our noses, taking the tests was bad enough. but imagine it up the nose too. ewwwwwwwwwwwww. As someone with a very sensitive nose, thats not good at all.
Im glad ive seen this now &i think i would have enjoyed it a lot more when it originally came out, but now that ive lived through it i feel like i was watching it, to see what they got right or wrong more. Its still a good film, but after living through it, you really dont have to ask yourself what you would do in that situation.