0 5 mins 3 yrs

Spoilers… no… ive written a love letter to Hot Fuzz on here before click here were just going to address a few things here that i missed last time. So this may very well be my shortest review ever.

Now I live at a place called swan so time to watch the swan. Bring the noise for a mid October Saturday night.

I did realise when i moved out that i didnt actually own the film. Its only ever been my parents film or on tv at random times, so how could i not own one of my top 10 films on dvd, so that was sorted, before i got a salad spinner or a potato peeler i brought Hot Fuzz on Dvd. yea priorities.

Pegg & Frost’s buddie comedy just upps the scale it really does. The bromance is so brilliant throughout. From the moment he meets him in the pub & is disenchanted by this drunk to the last line of the film which is BRING THE NOISE! It just works & there is some of the best chemistry on screen between these too, especially when he invites him in for a night cap which ends up being beer & then the heart to heart on the sofa where you think for a second are they are they & then he opens up that room full of DVD’s. Thats real love there (not the bromance but the film collection) it really is something, but the bromance too.

When they are all in their cloaks up at the castle with their walkie talkies all doing the chanting under torch & moon light is epic. & then after all the greater goods (the greater good {SHUT IT}) they all have all those weapons under the table ready to take him out.

Cate Blanchetts Cameo when your told its her is brilliant, its probably the best acted part of the entire film, as its got to be very serious, but still be light enough to remember its a comedy. Its brilliant once you know its here.

& of course my Bond (i know hes to old to be my Bond but hes still my favourite) Dalton just being so sleazy. I love it. I really really do love it.

My parents have now been to Wells which is where Hot Fuzz was filmed, they were their on a day trip & suddenly realised omg its Hot Fuzz. They didnt stay to go on the guided tour tho which runs twice a week, my sister & i were very angry at that. We wanted a swan.

The battle of Summerfield is still one of the funniest action set pieces of all time. Just those knives flying past them. Those trolleys would have never taken out those guys behind the deli counter either, they would have been fine. & of course the line 2 blokes & a fuck load of cutlery, iconic.

Oh i might just put this on again now, typing time means less swan watching it really does.

Edgar Wright has made a masterpiece & if i ever meet him i will scream the word SWANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN at his face & then hug him & say thankyou for one of the best films ever made. Its iconic & perfect & so funny & im not being a Peter Ian Staker here either, im telling you the truth for the greater good (the greater good) & if you dont agree that this isnt a classic, then we need to have a chat as i dont think we can be friends anymore.

I have actually found out that my bestie just doesnt find this film funny, so i may need to find a new bestie. Then again i dont like her favourite film Bridesmaids so…

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