Today i have been a cineworld person for a year. YAY! I know technically i havent as they shut in October & didnt reopen until May but still its a year whoop. So i thought i would celebrate it, by watching the film i first saw at cineworld with my unlimited card, BABYTEETH! Lets see if i was just shocked when i cried first time round at the end of it, or does Ben really just break my heart.
For those of you peoples who heavent seen this film (& i think that applies to you all but 20 of you) Babyteeth is about a girl from Australia who has terminal cancer, who has a very protective family, school & life style pressures, & an older boyfriend as she is approaching her 17th birthday & the film shows how as she changes everyone else around her changes & grows too.
& here comes the spoilers because ive got to talk about him first.
You all know Ben Mendelsohn by now or you all at least know my love for him. He is the worlds best villain in cinema & tv right now & no one can come close to him. In this he is playing the dad in the family & because of how he reacts to certain thing & how he say thing, your not always sure about him. As a doctor he just prescribes his family what they need to get on with their lives & doesnt always just solve the problem really. However his face when Moses joins them for breakfast first thing the day after her birthday, you know before anyone says a word that she has died overnight. & then we go to a flash back a few days before when they & their friends are all on a beach & she basically tell him that she loves him & that she wants him to look after Moses no matter what happens to her. & he accepts in that moment that his only child is giving up the fight & will die of cancer & that she just wants whats best for them all & he falls apart in away only a dad can, by just standing there taking deep breaths & wiping the occasional tear away. & i still to this day watching it on the big screen or on my tv or whatever i watch it on, sit here & blub my eyes out. The most evil man in cinema is falling apart in front of me & i just want to reach into the screen & hug them all & tell them they will all be okay. If a man that can be so evil can make you cry that much, that shows his range & why he deserves all the praise in the world. Its beautiful & stunning & so lovely & i just fall apart every time. Ben you fucking nailed it.
Eliza as Milla is brilliant she really is, considering how actually young she is in this film & that she has done this kind of role twice now, in present & period drama says a lot. Her emotions are exactly what a stroppy teenager trying to rebel against her parents would be. You watch her & go yeh i remember doing that or yea i helped a friend do that too. You can see it all happening & thats what makes it believable.
Moses on the other hand, played by Toby, is the complete extreme opposite but thats why it works. Hes off the scale, he doesnt care & hes given so many chance to change his ways & yet she still adores him no matter what he does or who he offends or what he tried to steal. As long as he makes her happy that is all that matters. When she asks him to suffocate her, thats a very hard watch it really is. The one thing other than sobering up that she ever really asks of him is for him to kill her & no matter how hard they try they just cant do it. Thats so sweet.
The neighbour was a bit random. I mean having a dog called Henry which was also Bens characters name was funny, but the affair thats not an affair is weird. I mean i guess it put his life into perspective but to invite her into the family friend dynamic when youve not seen her speak to anyone else in the family was odd. Also turn off your power before changing your lightbulbs peoples.
The music teacher much more understandable to be added to it. A long time family friend & ex lover made sense that he would be in the family dynamic, he was a confident to both Milla & her mother. Music was their outpouring of emotion & their escape from the world they lived in & the struggles they were against so that completely worked & was nice.
Here where i live its Seagulls & pigeons (the occasion swan flies over my flat too) but where they lived in austraila, Parrots! obviously. I mean it was a nice metaphor that the last time we see her alive shes talking to the birds, be it real or her imagination of freedom.
The girl who tried her wig on at school to see how she looks in it is good. She talks about her & how good she looks in it before she suddenly realises oh this is all Milla has now & start being more conscientious about putting the wig on & posting the picture on lien for people to comment on.
So the drug dealing & taking i get, it sets him up as a bad person but that party he takes her too is bloody cool & the music & the lights & the cinematography & the vibe is just so right for that scene it really is. You just sit there & go wow yeah thats bloody beautiful. That is what being a teenager is all about, the life experience & the discovery.
I like the text that randomly appeared every now & then too. It let you know that some time bad passed but not too much or if we had missed something in the jump, as to why we were back at the hospital or why we had left a party or a basketball court or the school. It worked & it added to the story.
Moses relationship with his own family isnt good we see that really early on, but then randomly near the end hes back with his brother & we all just go oh okay then thats cool. & we just accept it?
When they all panic that shes having the baby thats fun. Its crazy but that so would happen.
Now my parents were always protective of me on a night out. They wanted a txt msg to know when i was in the taxi home, so that if anything did happen to me & my friends they would know where to start from to look for us. However im not sure theyd have been as over protective & Henry & Anna. I mean yes it shows they are loving parent & yes she is ill but it could also been seen that as too over protective & suffocating her themselves.
So all houses in austrailia have a swimming pool? thats a serious question for any aussie readers it really really is.
So its beautiful & heart breaking this film & really wasnt what i was expecting at all when i first watched it. Now ive seen it again, it makes me cry even more as its so lovely. It really is a weird dysfunctional family unit, but that doesnt matter, because no matter what life throws at them they all just want to make sure everyone within that unit is okay.
Its a lush film, i think its still on netflix people. Go find it.