Its time to do something ive never done before, go to Screen X. Screen X is 270degress of cinema viewing. Ive still got some gift card points so i can cover the extra amount for it. So lets see if its worth it & of you do need that much screen. & lets be honest lets see Sexy Dumbledore on that screen. Ohhh yeah.
7:50pm monday night screening is the perfect time. I dont have to stupidly rush dinner when i get in from work, & im not still driving home at midnight. Everyone else had the same idea too, id say half sold out. Almost everyone was a millennial & those that were were parents who had come with their millennial kids. Happy bloody days. Half sold out & the extra fee on top of a cinema ticket isnt bad at all.
Trailers there were 3 of them, Doctor Strange (yes already pre-booked) Top Gun (yes) & Lightyear (yes{once again proving this is for us & not kids}) So cheers for that cineworld. IT was also weird not seeing a why not visit our screen x which is always before each film, but im guessing if you are in screen x you dont need to be told about it.
& then the film started…. Is screen X worth the extra money… no not really. Is Secrets of Dumbledore worth a trip to the cinema for… oh god yes.
After the second fantastic beasts films with all the side stories & back stories & random stuff going on, which im not sure we needed, it was nice to just get back to one adventure & yes there were side bits to it, but this wasnt just to set up the rest of the series like the last one. Yes it ends so we are ready for the war (we all know thats where we are going thats not spoiling it) but if it did end here & we dont gat anymore its not the worst way to end it. We can all then imagine the War.
One thing i didnt like was we didnt explain why Grindelwald is suddenly a completely different person. I know thats an elephant in the room, but surely their could be a spell to explain why hes a different person. I mean i know in the original films Gambon takes over but hes still in robes & long beards & grey hair so thats easy to cover, but Mads looks nothing like Depp at all. No explanation was given. Okay if were all just going to continue on we all know this is the case as potter fans but in years to come… when we are all gone, will people still understand this.
That being said whos Depp? seriously. Mads had big shoes to fill & he gives an astounding performance as Grindelwald. Seriously its fantastic. Every bit of his mannerisms & his style, they way he waves his wand & treats people. Its fantastic. IT really is.
The opening scene is shared between Mads & Jude at a dinner table, its only for 5mins long but the sexual tension in that scene, i had a bit of a moment. Oh my oh my… Like thats acting at its finest. Whenever they shared a screen it was so palpable & amazing. Just show steeling. That dinner scene i could have watched all day.
Jude still talks in a few riddles as Dumbledore which is good, not as many as older Albus in years to come but there are a few which are just like ahhhh yes mate.
Despite their scene stealing moments, its still Eddies movie as Newt. HEs still the lead. Theres something about Newt being so odd & awkward that just so rings a bell with me. He is still the lead & it doesnt work without him.
Everyone else got a chance to shine too, including the many magical creatures. Niffler gets up to some real mischief again, which is always nice to see.
The two notes signalling the return to Hogwarts was epic. & all the stuff happening at Hogwarts was good too. We are only there for few minutes & spend a lot of time in Hogsmeade as well. There is a point where Newt gets something right & Dumbledore goes excellent 3 point to Hufflepuff. Someone in my screening went woooohooo, happy days. We all laughed at that. As a Slytherin (although technically a slytherpuff) i found that fun but then also sad we didnt get any points, although we played a trick.
I love all the little bits & moments of small magic that happen throughout the film, there are so many little cool back & clever things that go on. Im sure i missed some of them & i think a second viewing will help find some of them. Even some of the spells.
We do jump all over the world which is good, however as they are all wizarding places, they could actually be anywhere. So it doesnt matter that its Brazil, Berlin & China, it could be anywhere.
Act 3 from the moment we get to the room of requirement to the bit before the end of the film is amazing. Its about 40mins long but theres so much stuff going on & its so cleaver & action packed & it just goes so quickly & is so satisfying. Thats how you do an act 3 peoples.
So its a return to form for the wizarding world. I dont think screen x added to much to it, but what i saw i bloody enjoyed & i loved my return to Hogwarts. Please make all 5 peoples, i really want to see it all & see how it all goes down.
I cant wait to actually talk to people about bits ive missed out of this review as it would spoil bits for you. Thats how good it is.