Every time ive put the radio on today all the stars has been on, when i woke up it was, when i got in my car & my phone was still being picked up from the other night it started with that, the drive home & when i put random on my Spotify playlist for my work out. Its telling me to watch it. It really is. Time to pay homage to the king & just go yes mate you rocked it in more ways that you know. Black Panther time.
This film is genuinely a cultural moment in film history. I know im not the right person to say this, however seeing the response fro the people who felt they were finally being acknowledge & seen in a super hero film, was huge. You felt joy feeling there joy. IT really was special & it meant so much to so many people. I know Marvel say they know what they are doing but did they really think this would have such a reaction. Im not sure they could even imagine that. It was amazing.
& then we actually get to the film which is so well filmed, so well acted, beautiful cinematography, amazing story. It deserved its oscar nomination for best picture 1000%. I remember watching something on tv about 10 days before the oscars & they were discussing what makes a film an oscar nominee & looking at all the films that had come before & what was nominated that year & then it summed it all up & then with 2mins of the 90min show to go they spoke about Black Panther & how it doesnt fit any of the traditional demographics for the award & for that reason & the fact its even been nominated means it should actually win best picture. It really does hit every single spot.
Chadwick was always brilliant in this role, but now know what he was going through, makes it even more iconic. Its amazing its wonderful. & watching him at the ancestral tree in his vision hurts a lot more & is so much more poignant. Hes an epic action star, hes a cool & calm leading man. You can see his range & you can see his style & coolness & vulnerability all at the same time. Its brilliant. He went far too soon. Bless you Chadwick.
The styling of Wakanda is brilliant & beautiful. As much as the technology is epic & cool with everything they give them to fight, its actually the fact that its a normal place to live. Everting just feels right. Its stylish. Even the throne room & the waterfall for the battle under the river amazing. So stylish & cool. It could be real.
A Hero is only as good as his villain. Michael B Jordon, is the coolest villain in ages in the MCU (Loki isnt a villain by the way hes an anti hero). Seriously he starts of just being a twat & killing random people, then he disappears for a little while, then shit kicks off then it really kicks off & then the final battle wow. Hes got some stunning lines too. I mean the cool one people remember is hey Aunty was improvised as he wanted a quick response to something hehe. There is another one thats cool which i will quote at the end of my review. But the one that does hit the most is when hes given the opportunity to be saved once hes been defeated, & he talks about the former slaves fates & how death is better than shackles. Thats bloody powerful & beautiful, especially with the sun set going on too. It such a shame that character cant come back. Michael nail it.
The rest of the support cast is epic, there are so many people in this film that you do sit there & just go how many other people are going to be in this film. It doesnt just keep going. Lupita, Andy, Angela, Leticia, Danai, Martin, Daniel, Forest & Winston. At no point does anyone feel under used or just in it for there name. When i first saw this i was a bit like theres not enough Daniel in this, but there was because of how is character was manipulated & used. It was very clever.
Stan Lee taking all the chips in the casino for safe keeping is brilliant. I mean that Casino & all of that night in south Korea is amazing. Because so much has happened up to that point to then suddenly be like oh you remember Martin Freemans character that you didnt care about in Civil war well hes back & hes even more important now. It just switches the film into the next phase of the film & lets you know where we are going. The whole world was watching more than they knew it. That car chase is phenomenal.
The little video about Wakanda at the start of the film is enough back story to get you up to speed with whats happening & the visit to the people in america & that they have people everywhere just sitting there observing.
The end battle could have been a film all in itself. There are so many different stories to follow that you just sit there & despite it jumping around & going everywhere. It just worked tho. At no point did you think that someone was safe. So many close misses & so many interesting developments & so much character growth in these moments too. At much as lots of it is CGI, its still bloody cool & at the end of the day it does all come down to humanity & emotion getting in the way.
We didnt need the romance story, he didnt need to be in love with her. I mean she was strong & powerful enough to be the black panther anyhow as they offer it to her before Mbaku dont they.
Mbaku does have some of the best timing & lines in the film always just popping up exactly when you need him to do it. Being vegetarians or telling people they cant talk epic. He is exactly what we need.
The technology & the gadgets they use are so cool. I mean you look at it & you just think yea we could do with stuff like that, why has no one actually tried to invent this in the real world. Its so stylish & cool & really helpful.
2 credit scenes, the first one is actually quite long for marvel, but it shows how Wakanda has grown & that due to the film & the journey everyones been on they have realised they need to share their knowledge with the world. The second, was what we all thought before we went into the film what i was going to be about but it wasnt. ITS BUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He seems okay yayaya.
Its just bloody spectacular isnt it. If the MCU once day failed or had cancel culture, this is one of the few bits in it that would survive. ITs a one off story it doesnt matter that youve not seen the other 20 parts. Its majestic & inspiring & action filled & one hell of a story. Its just so special to so many people.
So when there is the fight for the mantel of black panther Michael says is this you king? as Chadwick is suffering. When Chadwick passed Michael posted that exact picture with those word & finally an Answer… yes. HE IS EVERYONE KING! THE BLAKC PANTHER LIVES! God bless you Chadwick.