No Spoilers… if you think there are you are either 6 years old or my dad… (yeah hes never seen it in full i shocks me too)
Im not sure why ive picked Grease tonight. Maybe im in a musical mood, maybe i want nostalgia or maybe i want to stand in the middle of my lounge & hand jive… i think the latter. Look no ones here so no one can judge me for doing that hehehe. Lets do this & sing every word out loud.
now looking back as an adult why did our parents in the 90s let us watch Grease when we were like 7 to 10 years old. Okay yes you dont actually see too much bad stuff happen on the screen but so much is actually implied & thats bloody scary & not a good as role models for girls or boys. As an adult i watch it now & think holy crap they said what…. they did that. It not good. So why do people let there kids watch it. I guess they hope it goes over our head, but still.
Also it get to the end & Sandy had to change who she is entirely to get Danny, oky yes Danny does put on that jumper but as soon as the reveal happens, which no one had any idea about on set until they all looked, he automatically drops the dork look. It not a good message for girls that youve got to change exactly who you are to get the guy is it. I mean maybe thats why im single as i dont do all that stuff & i am who i am, but still its not a good message. Girls you dont have to change for a man.
I love the theory thats come out in recent years, that Sandy is dead at the start & this is her future life she could have had flashing before her eyes, & grease lightning flying off is her accepting her fate & moving onto the afterlife, thats a very clever & brilliant way to deal with it & her change is her actually being willing to let go, a much better metaphor than just changing for a random guy.
All the songs are banging, theres a reason why now you still hear the grease mega mix go down at a club or a wedding or party, its epic & so fun. I mean i have just stood in my lounge & done grease lightning & the hand jive all on my own quite loudly. ITs bloody fun isnt it. We almost did the hand jive at a talent show when we were 11, but decided not to & to do reach by s club instead, which we now all do still do one a night out if we ever get one again. But yea all epic songs, forget some of the connotations at this point they are all bangers.
Okay then lets talk the bad stuff shall we in the songs. I mean moaning that Sandy is lousy with virginity at the age of 17… the hell… girls dont need to be pressured into that, its her choice. Then summer nights while Sandy is being all innocent in her song & Danny is busy making her out to be a slut. & then Grease lightning… oh god grease lightning, bloody hell theres no holding back there. Just a reminder as kids we would sing & dance to all of this as little kids.
The teenage pregnancy that isnt is a bit like oh okay, but the way its dealt with & then just brushed away at the end… yea nah need more of a conversation than just people looking judging & gossiping, okay yes teenagers do still do that, thats never going to change, but it would be dealt with better.
The school is crap isnt it, it really is. No one ever goes to lessons, they also have soooooo many events in the year too. Its just there to get various people to meet up at certain points. & the teachers arent that helpful. As a little kid in the UK i assumed my high school would be exactly like that, how disappointed was i when i went there & was like whats this, this isnt what the movies promised me. We had no dance off, there wasnt a fair when we all completed school & there was no head teacher announcement at all.
The dinner is a nice new setting but it used to little & then after beauty school drop out & then watching them at the dance its dropped entirely. & yet they get most of there wisdom & help from the dinner. Beauty school drop out is very random but very helpful for Frenchie.
The dance, is the best part of the film, because everyone’s true colours come out in this one section of the film. If you can only watch on scene of grease its this part. Also Travolta’s hips work into over time, not quite like Saturday night fever, but still. ITs bloody brilliant & i love it & im always on such a high once the national bandstand is over. Brilliant songs, brilliant choreography (if not up to the schools innocent standards) & lots of bitching & fun. Its just epic.
Are Drive throughs still a big thing in America…. we have one here about 30 miles away but its never been a thing here, not that i know of (i mean i do go to beach cinema so…) but its like every film in this era has a drive through & people in films do still go to them. Is is a big deal. Also how does it even work… Do you get speakers, headphones…. also what if half way through a film someone goes nah not for me & starts their engine & reverse out & you cant hear the film…. thats a serious questions i honestly want answers about drive throughs please.
The outfits are so iconic. The jackets, the hair, the combs. ooh its so cool. It always an option for an epic fancy dress party & you turn up with any part of those items at a party & someone will yell who you are meant to be.
While summer nights is going on & all the girls are singing when it gets near the end before the high note (which lets be honest you cant not try to attempt even if you have no notes like me) there is a random guy sitting there looking all serious while all the girls are singing, & that always freaks me out a little bit. Anyone ever notice that.
The race between the scorpions & the T birds at he end is intense, but after a whole film & a whole school year building up to this race & the high stakes & what could happen, it all kind of goes to plan & good easily triumphs over evil. I mean im guessing when you first watched this back in the day it was like omg wow when that car leaps over a ramp, but now its just like okay so this is all going to be fine.
We all accept that these people in their 30s are all 17 right? good. I mean you do, because they are all a similar age & its an older film you just accept it. I mean like you accept Peter Parker is 18, however Tom Holland is like 25? isnt he quickly googles yep 25 but you just accept he is 18 dont you. Its probably the thing i should moan at the film most for but i just accept it. Maybe thats why you watch it as a little kid as teenagers are deemed scary & big so your more likely to accept 30 year olds playing them.
Ive been negative, but at the end as the credits roll im always filled with joy at this film & like ive been apart of something. ITs bloody brilliant & is a classic. & yes its got bad morals & not the best message, but i still bloody sing my head of & dance my feet to it. I will always sit here & go yea put grease on if someone’s in the mood for it. You cant deny its power & its vibe. They dont make them like this anymore do they.
Just got to convince my dad to see all of this now, in one sitting.