This has been on my watch list for a very long time. I love me some Domhnall (ive watch Frank of Ireland recently with him in) & i adore my girl crush Alicia so i think its time to see them both in the same film just nailing it. I am so so so so looking forward to this & the twists it going to put me through & the drama its going to create.
WOW they werent lying when they said this film really does just go for it wow. So many twists that im pretty sure i missed some.
Lets start with Alicia. Oh my god. Okay yes its easy to play AI i guess, but she just bosses it & is so fantastic & you see how not only her character & the AI grows through the film but she as an actress get better to. Its a really special performance, & how she didnt get huge awards for this performance baffles me. It is so subtle but so manipulative. ITs a joy to watch so much so that when the she tricks them all & is the only one to get out alive your like yes girl go for it go get your freedom. & then you a re like no dont you dare, because you know the AI has won & proved a point. Its madness that you suddenly think that oh fuck were fucked shes out in the world & noones gonna know what happened to the rest of them.
I like the very small reference about standing at a cross roads with traffic & people is what makes humans human & its the last shoot of the film, thats wonderful & very true. Its grate.
Domhnall for all his genius, it bloody naive at times. I mean that does mean she gets away with it all, but hes very convincing in that considering he normally plays someone evil or weird for him to play someone so average, just very smart, is a nice touch & he really works it. But did it really take him that long to work out he was picked for reasons other than his genius. What an idiot. I think i worked that out quite early on, after their first encounter.
I wanted to punch Oscar at points for his arrogance & attitude toward everything & i think that i was makes him a good villain. His downfall was is own lack of understanding in humanity & AI. When he dies & his death is bloody & bloody glorious, you do sit there & go yesssssssssssssssssssss you fucking deserve that for what you’ve put everyone through in this film & the manipulation youve put onto everyone.
I like that each day is split into the session he has with the AI & the monitoring of boths behaviour i liked that. It shows the growth in everyone in the film. ITs a clever way to do it & makes it even more sinister as you are thinking how much darker its going to get.
Didnt he just try to turn it all off & on again, surely that would work.
The house is very minimalist, & cold but also the setting its in with the trees & the layout makes it so idyllic & brilliant. I mean the key cards are a little like uhoh who can go where what other secrets is he hiding. He must have felt earlier on hang on whats my boss really like he really is a control freak.
When its first mentioned that he wanted to see if a human could not recognise someone that was AI, i knew right there & then that the lady he had in the house was AI so when that was revealed later on i had already worked that out, so it wasnt as much of a shock.
The Power Cuts are scary at points you do wonder exactly what horrors are going to occur & how weird its going to get, i mean it get weirder at the end but still.
How did he survive or get anything actually done if he got that drunk every night. Its was a little concerning of course he was going to create something mad, & take his eye off the ball.
Did the helicopter guy not realise he hadnt picked up the ginger dude & had a brunet woman at the end. I mean okay he probably flys a lot of people around but still, he should have noticed.
Locking him in at the end was the ultimate dick mood but proved the point that she did just manipulate them all to get her freedom & knowledge. & with no signal or way of contacting the world he was trapped. I mean i guess when he didnt turn up to work on monday theyd have tried to have gotten a hold of this & then gone to the bosses house, so maybe he did survive, but it couldnt have ended with the two of them getting their freedom.
The exposition of the plan is clever but the fact that he did it in advance before he could notice was brilliant. That proved the genius in him.
It does all just come down to what makes a human human &get you get that from AI & are they on the same level as us, & it does that perfectly, with enough twist on the way, because human are unpredictable & maybe one day AI will be too.
Im glad its left with her just free, not trying to take over the world at that point or going crazy at something, shes just living her life & learning.
Its bloody brilliant. Its got so many twists & is so brilliantly acted. I did spend most of the film on the edge of my seat going oh god oh wow & its well worth a watch, even if this isnt your usual cuppa tea. It might surprise you.