Spoilers… oh for once this maybe true
My parents love to buy me films that they want to see themselves which is kinda sweet. So we are Miren & McKellening it tonight with The Good Liar. A Film that i left the cinema (ah remember those) & told my parents they needed to go & see it & they went nah we will wait til you get it on DVD. Now that theyve seen it they are wishing they had.
So im going to talk about the star of the film first… Russell Tovey. Yea that probably comes as a shock to most of you doesnt it, but not to me. I love how he is so integral to everything that end up happening & what goes on but he just pops up every now & then & just completely flips the film around. He is amazing & he is wonderful & its one of those supporting cast roles where you do just sit there & go oh wow. Seriously as much as Miren & Mckellen are epic (which is always true) he is the person i am the most invested in & they brought out the best in him.
Usually when theres 3 different stories going on in a film you do sit there & go okay thats to much to cope with where are we again, but in this one it works out so nicely & brilliantly that you just think wow. When i saw it in the cinema i did sit there & think why are we suddenly introducing a random World war two story half way through, but there had been hints throughout it that this was always in the back ground, so when you watched it again you sit there & go of course thats why they go & see inglorious, & thats why its the polish people. ITs so clever.
The early dates are quite sweet & you do just sit there & think aww they are going to be perfect for each other. You really do think actually maybe she will look after him & it will all go well & they can have a happy life.
The scams to get all the money & the dodgy dealings are amazing. You sit there & watch all of these & just think how are you getting away with this. But you know in real life people actually do fall for this kinda thing. The death of the Tube was a bit of a oh wow moment, & how no one worked out it was him was a bit odd, but if hes spent his life doing that of course he got away with it.
foreshadowing Lilly… brilliant. Its been there all along.
The best scene of the film is when they are both waiting for the train at the station & you do just wonder if he has gotten away with it & has all the money with him. Its brilliantly awkward & is so amazing & at that point you have no idea exactly when the rest of them know & how its actually him thats being set up to lose all his money.
The flash back as much as they are gritty & disturbing are perfectly well place & so good that instead of it just being for the sake of it you do just feel like its right & how it just moves it all along to where you want to be. Even the way they are shoot feels different so that its like your watching a different film but then it eases but into the one you are watching.
When she is taking all his money off him at the end as he begs for forgiveness is amazing & then the scuffle as well, i mean that is two acting greats just going at each other. IT really is a master piece & proves neither of them have lost it verbally or physically. I mean im not expecting Mirren to be Jolie but still she has a good go & the fact she leaves him with enough money to pay off the guys he screwed over earlier, thats amazing, a proper yes fuck you moment. HEs gets what he deserves. Good twists throughout.
Its just a bloody good British film. If you watch it & you like twists this will be for you. Its acting at its British best & its just one of those films that when you work it out you go oh thats good & you get a huge pay off for being clever. Its really enjoyable.