So you know I said we flipped a coin a few weeks ago well we then did watch beasts which I have already reviewed on here & dad wanted to know what happened next so we are now onto the next beasts film whoop whoop bring it on. The wizarding world here we come in May. To think that Potter world is currently shut is sad actually.
Before i start (i know im behind on my blogs blame cinema club not happening) i started reviewing this before the Johnny Depp was forced to resign from the job, so when i talk about his character in here I am talking about it as if he still has more films to go, even though we now know Mads has taken over.
Seeing this film for a second time, has made me appreciate the story & the fim a lot more than when i saw it in the cinema, however it is still here just to move the plot along for the next film, if we ever get it, as i know this didnt do as well as people hoped (studios basically). But i now have a lot of questions that i want answering.
I cant ever fault Eddie Redmayne, but here in his own story where he is the main protagonist, he just feels like he is there to get to the next scene. Hes still bloody good as Newts but i think the majority of what happened in the film would have happened anyhow without him.
Jude Law as sexy young Dumbledore is good, is very good. Its epic casting & we know hes going to get through all the films as hes in Harry Potter. I love that he still talks in riddles, hes still all over the place, & hes just sending people out to go & do his work for him. The show down between Dumbledore & Grindelwald is going to be epic. Law vs Depp i am so up for that.
I love Colin Farrell (you all know that) but wow Depp nailed it. Really did. He made you as the viewer feel all the things that he was trying to trick others into as well. From the escape, to the murder & that meeting. He hold such a presence as Grindelwald that you look forward to following him to see where the wizarding war goes. He has the chance to make this part so iconic & up there with his Edward & Captain Jack. Its going to be a joy to watch.
Going back to Hogwarts if only for a little while is always a treat & something that when you see it on screen you just really feel like yelling like Harry HOGWARTS IS MY HOME (cant believe my dad shot my owl). But its so nice knowing how the wizarding teaching has changed or differed & the little corridors & it just warms my Slytherin Heart.
Did we need to link the baby to Titanic? that was a bit much. I think thats even further than saying that Creedence is actually a Dumbledore ( which i know purest are like say what & i was to start with in the cinema) but i am now full behind this happening. Ezra Miller gets the chance to shine & shine again.
Nagini is a human awwwww bless her. I feel ever worse for her now (apart from when she attacks & it scares me to death). But yeah she ends up being Voldemort’s horcrux bless her, no one deserves that fate at all.
I love how the ministry moves thats amazing all those walls just going everywhere in Paris its amazing.
Niffler as always steels the show. Newts beasts do take a bit more of a backfoot it this story to move the plot along, but Niffler is just the best. I love that at the end after everyone & everything dies at the meeting & Paris is almost destroyed, little Niffler crawls out like hey i lived, shaking bless him. Protect Niffler at all costs.
I understand Queenie wants to be with Jacob but up until that point she was happy to break the law with him anyhow & be with him. I guess that showing the seduction of the dark magic but still. I mean noone cared she had him under a love potion other than Newt. The bit with her in the Rain is outstanding, beautiful.
Newts flat is amazing. I bet when i move out my flat doesnt have all those creatures in all just running around being fabulous & epic. (i have now moved out i have a squirrel that runs along a fence thats it).
Nicholas Flammel is a nice addition to the story i like that, that is very very good & proper like oh yes him moment im glad we get that.
I do understand that they want to make everywhere in the world apart of the wizarding world (title suggest that obviously) but we really are hopping all over the place from one ministry to another. A bit more coherence before the wizarding war would really help with this.
IT moves at a good pace the film, except when we get to the titanic bit. The magic throughout it still inspiring & wonderful, but it does still feel like a stepping stone to get us something much grander in the next one.
Over all it is another Harry Potter film to take more money from us & make us go watch the film buy the books go to the studios & theme parks. & do i still love this world from my teen years… yes. The cash cow does still draw me in & i am a sucker for it, but i know what i like. Just so long as the next film is back to a more one off story & not just full of character development like this one was & only a few new people we will be fine.
More Beasts Magic & madness please JK, thats all i want. I want to look at the screen & be amazed like when i saw Hogwarts on screen for the first time. & you cant say its because i am now an adult that this is the case that im not inspired anymore. Ive been on the studio tour thats the magic i want to feel still.