I am all ready to be emotionally ruined all over again by this beautiful movie. Is so special & so heartbreaking & i will probably fall apart writing about it for you all but that’s a risk i am more than willing to take. Time for me to finally do a proper review of call me by your name.
Popcorn Synopsis for you all. This is actually going to be harder to write than it looks if im honest.
Elio is 17 years old living in 1980’s Italy when his family have there yearly student come over to stay, this year its 24 year old Oliver from America. The two have some animosity towards each other, especially when Oliver becomes the highlight of all the other girls in the town. Elio starts to fantasize about having a relationship with Oliver but after an initial flirtation they call a truce. Elio then starts to date another girl & the two grow distant. Eventually Elio writes a note to Oliver & Oliver responds & the two finally start there romance, & wonder why they hadnt started it sooner. With Olivers stay coming to an end Elio travels with Oliver. Elio is left heart broken by Oliver at the train station on the last day as he head back to america. Elios father tells him that there relationship was special & the pain will hurt but he will bloom from it. Later in the year Oliver calls the house to wish them a happy Hanukkah & share the news that he is getting married to them, but tells Elio that he still remembers everything & will have a special place in his heart. Elio goes through all of his emotional break up in one go at the fire place before then goignto help his mother set the table.
That was hard to write, would of been easier to go boy meets boy, boy hates boy, boy wants boy but doesnt know other boy wants boy. Boys want girl, boy gets with boy, boy leaves boy, boy gets engaged, boy ruins your emotional turmoil.
Please can we appreciate the acting Timothee Chalamet does at the fireplace & how you seriously cant watch that without falling apart yourself. Its a proper master class. It really is all those emotion as the world behind him just continues on as normal. Its seriously emotional & you go through every single one with him. You are hurting at that point just like he is & that is what makes the film very special.
& you know who wouldnt be heartbroken if Armie Hammer had told them they were getting married but still loved you. I would. I think id just be heart broken if i ever met the man & then he walked off. He superb too.
It is a very slow build, but i think its supposed to, to match the relationships torment they go through. Especially when they agree to meet at midnight & they are looking at their watches the whole time & every single conversation alludes to their relationship but doesnt. That so clever & is proper film making.
The peach… oh the peach… i mean not sure if i like it or not but it kinda works. Its the thing you all want to talk about after the film, once you are over the heartbreak at the end it really is. Its weird but it suits the story.
I did live in the 80’s (all 62 days of it) but i dont remember any of it or know what it was like in italy at that time to tell you if its correct or of the time. It all looked very cool & stylish & very pretentious.
Theres a lot of bicycles shoots which are so beautiful & just make you want to go on holiday ( i would say cycling holiday but i cant ride a bike), but you know what i mean. to just go for a walk around some hills or country side for an adventure, pure bliss & tranquility.
The whole calling each other Elio & Oliver, oh it warms my heart whenever they do it & make me go awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. It makes me feel so happy.
The heart to heart with his dad after the train station pick up is so beautiful too. Thats a proper father son relationship of love & not caring & just accepting each other for who they are. It really is. That needs to be shown to some people to help them understand other emotions & points of view to say that its okay to be who ever you want to be.
I have not done this film justice in my writing, im sorry to say. All you need to know is that its an almost perfect love story which will make you cry so much at the end & despite the slow build up, it completely works. Its beautiful & emotional.
You have been warned, now go watch it.